
Review – Authoritarian Africa: Repression, resistance, and the power of ideas

Cliff (Ubba) Kodero • Aug 30 2020 • Features

The book explores why authoritarian regimes have persisted in Africa and investigates the extent to which European colonialists can be blamed for Africa’s problems.

Review – Vernacular Sovereignties: Indigenous Women Challenging World Politics

Margot Cohen • Aug 21 2020 • Features

The book maps the intersecting forms of oppression Indigenous women and subverts colonial histories through the narration of resistance.

Review – Hotels and Highways

Zeynep Gülşah Çapan • Aug 12 2020 • Features

An empirically rich discussion of the negotiations and translations involved in the travels of modernisation theory to Turkey during the Cold War era.

Review – Break All the Borders: Separatism and the Reshaping of the Middle East

Gökhan Bacık • Aug 5 2020 • Features

An ambitious book that analyses how recent developments in Middle Eastern politics have affected the regional order from an international relations perspective.

Review – Race and the Undeserving Poor: From Abolition to Brexit

Nivi Manchanda • Jul 31 2020 • Features

Shilliam tells the story of colonial and postcolonial Britain and the book’s power lies in its ability to not only narrate a history but also to portend its future.

Review – Status and the Rise of Brazil

Camila Amorim Jardim • Jul 27 2020 • Features

This ambitious book provides a useful analysis of Brazil’s foreign policy and the dilemmas its status presents, but largely reproduces traditional perspectives.

Review – The Great Betrayal: How America Abandoned the Kurds and Lost the Middle East

Zeynep Kaya • Jul 16 2020 • Features

While Phillips provides an accessible and valuable international view of the Kurds, the book’s one-sided perspective on several issues fails the reader.

Review – Equal Opportunity Peacekeeping: Women, Peace, and Security in Post-Conflict States

Serena Simoni • Jul 9 2020 • Features

A worthwhile read offering an excellent analysis of peacekeeping missions and gendered norms that regulate them.

Review – Navies and Maritime Policies in the South Atlantic

Andrea L. F. Resende de Souza • Jun 24 2020 • Features

Essential reading for those interested in maritime security; the book provides a careful insight into the issues and threats to maritime policies in the South Atlantic.

Review – The Hacker and the State

Antonio Calcara • Jun 11 2020 • Features

A much needed academic contribution to the IR cyber space literature that includes well-informed examinations of cyber attacks that have taken place in recent decades.

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