
Review – Global Governance and Transnationalizing Capitalist Hegemony

Ray Kiely • Jan 29 2018 • Features

Taylor’s convincing new book provides a sceptical account of the rise of emerging powers and demonstrates how they are unlikely to challenge the neoliberal world order.

Review – Norms Without the Great Powers

Andrea Birdsall • Jan 20 2018 • Features

Adam Bower’s important book makes a valuable contribution to constructivist scholarship and particularly its study of the role of law in international relations.

Review – Four Futures: Life After Capitalism

Richard W. Coughlin • Jan 11 2018 • Features

Peter Frase’s book illuminates the potential effects of robotization and climate change on a post-capitalist future and the institutional structures that might emerge.

Review – The New Deal: A Global History

Alexander Jacobs • Dec 28 2017 • Features

Patel’s ambitious study demonstrates how the New Deal was part of a global movement aimed at subordinating market economies to the demands of security and stability.

Review – Frantz Fanon: Philosopher of the Barricades

Sara Salem • Dec 18 2017 • Features

Peter Hudis’ book is a concise yet rich contribution to the literature on the life and work of Frantz Fanon, which convincingly demonstrates Fanon’s continued relevance.

Review – Reconstructing Human Rights

Davide Orsi • Nov 26 2017 • Features

This remarkable and innovative book offers an original understanding of human rights and contributes to the reflection on the nature and role of political theory.

Review – Lupe Under the Sun

Francisco Laguna-Correa • Nov 15 2017 • Features

Director Rodrigo Reyes’ film portrays a realist yet dreamlike exploration of the everyday activities of an ageing undocumented Mexican labourer in the United States.

Review – Baron Trump’s Marvellous Underground Journey

Elizabeth Austin • Oct 26 2017 • Features

American lawyer Ingersoll Lockwood’s 1893 story about a wealthy young man named Baron Trump provides some interesting parallels to today’s US President, Donald Trump.

Review – Basic Income: And How We Can Make It Happen

Harry Shutt • Oct 17 2017 • Features

A valuable exposition of the case for universal basic income which nevertheless fails to recognise the revolutionary implications which its implementation would entail.

Review Feature – The Experts are Dead, Long Live the Experts!

Antonio Calcara • Oct 7 2017 • Features

Two new books, The Ideas Industry and The Death of Expertise, consider the role of experts in the current US political landscape but reach quite different conclusions.

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