
Review – The Improbable War

Milos Popovic • Sep 30 2015 • Features

While Coker fails to fully assess Chinese ‘soft power’ and potential involvement in proxy war, this persuasive book is likely to shape US opinion on policy towards China.

Review – Religion and the Realist Tradition

Brent J. Steele • Sep 26 2015 • Features

While assessing how realism addresses religious issues in world politics, this collection also explores the role of religion in the intellectual development of IR theory.

Review – Volunteer Tourism in the Global South

Cori Jakubiak • Sep 21 2015 • Features

Examining our attachments to ethical consumption practices such as volunteer tourism, Vrasti’s book sheds light on its links to capitalism and neoliberal subjectivity.

Review – Rethinking Hegemony

Tom Chodor • Sep 14 2015 • Features

Although some of his criticisms are slightly overstated, Worth successfully clarifies the concept of hegemony and applies it to analyses of major contemporary trends.

Review – The Routledge Companion to Ethics, Politics and Organizations

Nicholas Tampio • Sep 5 2015 • Features

This Routledge volume provides an excellent overview of how organization theorists are searching for post-communist paradigms to contest the march of neoliberalism.

Review – The Man From U.N.C.L.E.

W. Alejandro Sanchez • Aug 28 2015 • Features

The Man From U.N.C.L.E. provides an opportunity for IR scholars to experience a fictionalized account of global security cooperation during the 1960s in this new movie.

Review – The Precariat: The New Dangerous Class

Monica Threlfall • Aug 19 2015 • Features

Standing not only establishes the ‘precariat’ as a new class, but also provides succinct and clear-eyed justifications for a protective Basic Income policy as a solution.

Review – Providing for National Security: A Comparative Analysis

Harvey M. Sapolsky • Aug 13 2015 • Features

Although there is much of value in this title, its attention to the usual suspects of big to medium powers should instead be focused on North Africa and the Middle East.

Review – Neoliberal Hegemony and the Pink Tide in Latin America

Laurence Goodchild • Aug 4 2015 • Features

Rooted in a stimulating neo-Gramscian framework, Chodor’s analysis eschews generalizations and puts forward a compelling case for how the pink tide should be understood.

Review – Land and Freedom

John Gledhill • Jul 30 2015 • Features

An excellent piece of comparative scholarship that pulls no critical punches when it comes to addressing the contradictions which underlie these rural movements.

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