
Opinion – The Politics of Antarctica

Elçin Doruk and Siret Hürsoy • Nov 23 2020 • Articles

With Antarctic politics, the Antarctic Treaties System must be transformed into a common heritage regime targeting the interests of all humanity in order to protect the continent.

Fear And In(Security) in De-Facto States: Assessing South Ossetian Elections

Ana Maria Albulescu • Nov 22 2020 • Articles

In the absence of recognition, the institutions built by the South Ossetian regime remained vulnerable to Georgia’s re-assertion of sovereignty between 2004 and 2006.

Opinion – Multilateralism and the Asia-Pacific under a Biden Presidency

See Seng Tan • Nov 21 2020 • Articles

America’s anticipated return to multilateralism will be a welcome antidote to Trump’s brand of international diplomacy. However, its success will very much depend on the quality of US ties with China.

The Identity Matrix and Contemporary Conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa

Makena Nyawira Micheni • Nov 19 2020 • Articles

Highlighting the role of ethnicity in non-ethnic conflicts helps to better understand complex social and political relationships and to expose the complex ways in which social and political identities overlap.

Higher Education and Race Relations in Brazil

Hasani E. dos Santos • Nov 17 2020 • Articles

Brazil faces an offensive on public universities caused by the cuts in investment on scientific research.

Post-Truth and Far-Right Politics on Social Media

Hüseyin Pusat Kildiş • Nov 17 2020 • Articles

The fact that anyone who uses social media can encounter and be affected by racist, Anti-Semitic and white supremacist posts shared by far-right figures reveals inherent dangers.

The Limits of the EU Enlargement in the Western Balkans

Spyridon Plakoudas • Nov 14 2020 • Articles

Two decades following the end of the Yugoslav Wars, the EU has not yet been able to integrate fully the Western Balkans.

America’s Democratic Shortcomings and the Liberal International Order

Manuel Reinert • Nov 13 2020 • Articles

With better representation, citizens would choose policymakers more in tune with the progressive values held by the majority, at home and abroad.

International Organisations and Global Stratification: Rethinking IR’s Cooperation Paradigm

Caroline Fehl and Katja Freistein • Nov 11 2020 • Articles

IR institutionalists have rarely accounted for the reproduction of systemic inequalities within and across institutions.

Making Sense of the 2020 US Election

Julie Norman • Nov 10 2020 • Articles

After months of divisive campaigning and days of arduous counting, Americans and the international community can view this election as one that has affirmed rather than degraded democracy.

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