
The Just War Tradition and Utopian Political Thought

Min Goo Lee • Jul 11 2014 • Essays

War is neither humane nor inhumane; it is merely human, and to elevate the phenomenon to a humane altitude is a utopian project beyond mankind’s present reach.

The Economy is Organic: Reclaiming the Post-Crisis Development Agenda

Floriane Borel • Jul 11 2014 • Essays

To correctly assess contemporary reevaluations of development theory, we must understand its origins and their effect on how the global community views development today.

A Critical Evaluation of the Concept of Human Security

Luke Johns • Jul 5 2014 • Essays

Critics of human security argue that its adoption has done little to change the behaviour of states or alleviate pressures of everyday life of the most vulnerable.

The Advantages and Limitations of Single Case Study Analysis

Ben Willis • Jul 5 2014 • Essays

Single case study analyses offer empirically-rich, context-specific, holistic accounts and contribute to both theory-building and, to a lesser extent, theory-testing.

Global Governance and the Democratic Aspect of Cross-Border Communications

Stefanie Kam • Jul 4 2014 • Essays

The technological intensification of the communication channels across the globe will trigger the need for governing the democratic aspect of cross-border communications.

Recontextualising the ‘War on Terror’: Discursive Practices from Bush to Obama

David Morgan • Jul 3 2014 • Essays

The strategies employed by the Bush administration after 9/11 to manufacture public consent for action have since been recontextualised towards Iran by Barack Obama.

Christian Traditional Values Prefiguring the Development of Human Rights

Daniel Golebiewski • Jul 3 2014 • Essays

The global expression of human rights found in the UDHR contains an implicit touch of Christian values.

Comparing Third-Party Management of Peace Spoilers in Liberia and Sierra Leone

Anna Möller-Loswick • Jul 2 2014 • Essays

The way third parties manage spoilers during peace processes plays an important role in explaining why some peace agreements are successful and why others fail.

Is the Current Political Turmoil of the ‘Information Age’ Revolutionary?

Caio Quero • Jul 1 2014 • Essays

Although the networked structures of new social movements represent a shift from the hierarchical and centralised forms of previous models, they are not unprecedented.

An Evaluation of National Party System Europeanization: A Case Study of Croatia

Janeeth Devgun • Jun 29 2014 • Essays

The variation in Croatia’s party systems is apparent through institutionalisation, the European socialisation of Croatian elites and voter attitudes towards the EU.

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