
Explaining the Case for Invading Iraq from a Neo-conservative Perspective

Lucie Parker • Jun 29 2014 • Essays

The Bush administration’s invasion of Iraq was a story of neo-conservative ideas (militarism, morality, and democracy) about the role of America in the world.

Will Japan Become a Nuclear Weapons Power?

Heath Pickering • Jun 29 2014 • Essays

Japan’s non-nuclear policy appears to be a pragmatic realisation of numerous domestic factors, perceptions of regional security, and faith in the US alliance.

Fuel to the Fire: Why a Nuclear Iran Will Further Destabilize the Middle East

David Sousa • Jun 23 2014 • Essays

Four grave risks for regional stability lurk in the wake of a nuclear Iran: regional proliferation, an ‘imbalance of terror’, an emboldened Iran, and Israel’s response.

Is Terrorism an Effective Way to Attain Political Goals?

Sverrir Steinsson • Jun 22 2014 • Essays

While effective at ensuring the survival of organizations that use such methods, there is scant evidence to support the idea that terrorism achieves political objectives.

Is Democracy a Cause of Peace?

Michael Hart • Jun 20 2014 • Essays

As the causal mechanisms and positivist epistemology underpinning it are questionable, the democratic peace should be understood as part of a more complex causal process.

Orientalism, Palestinian Nationalism, and Israeli Repression

Ibrahim Gabr • Jun 20 2014 • Essays

The success of Palestinian nationalism in the context of the peace process is complicated by the variations in Orientalism which occur between different forms of Zionism.

UN Peacekeeping: Bangladesh, India and Pakistan’s Troop Contributions

Priscilla Cabuyao • Jun 18 2014 • Essays

From a realist perspective, the impressive devotion of top-troop contributors to UN Peacekeeping is rooted in several political, professional, and economic motivations.

Climate Change Politics Through a Constructivist Prism

Tim Pfefferle • Jun 18 2014 • Essays

Constructivism captures the political nature of the climate change issue and is able to put it in its respective historical and social context.

Coping with the Legacy of the Civil War in El Salvador

Korbinian März • Jun 18 2014 • Essays

The Commission on the Truth for El Salvador partly failed but has also reached significant successes.

Analysing the Lord’s Resistance Army Through Liberalism & Social Constructivism

Daphny Roggeveen • Jun 16 2014 • Essays

Using the case study of the Lord’s Resistance Army in northern Uganda, liberalism’s approach to peacebuilding is inadequate compared to social constructivism’s.

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