
Rhetoric, Perspectives, and Reactions of the Soviet Union to US-China Relations

Adam Moscoe • Apr 4 2014 • Essays

By lacking a coherent strategy, the Soviet Union failed to acknowledge the possibility that the US could be seeking an easing of tensions with both communist superpowers.

Contemporary Petitioning and Chinese Internet Censorship

Tae Eon Ahn • Apr 4 2014 • Essays

Current Chinese Internet censorship efforts resemble a petitioning (complaint) system Chinese leaders have employed in various forms since the Zhou dynasty.

Science Bound? Transcending the Fourth ‘Great Debate’ in International Relations

Gavin Stewart • Apr 3 2014 • Essays

The epistemological war of words between positivists and interpretivists has exhausted itself, and the task now is to find where new lines of contention are to be drawn.

The Permissive Promise

Eric Lenier Ives • Apr 2 2014 • Essays

International law seeks to codify the international playing field. However, it is an essentially elastic & permissive system reflecting real-world power distributions.

Sanctioning Iran: What is the U.S. Trying to Accomplish?

Richard Placzek • Apr 1 2014 • Essays

The U.S. missed a chance to come to a peaceful resolution when Iran’s last reformist leader was in office. It needs to finish the job by working out a long term agreement

The Impact of Islamic Politics on the 2003 Iraq War

Nick Newsom • Mar 31 2014 • Essays

By sponsoring the mujahidin, the US and Pakistan empowered an ideology and movement that encouraged tensions within the Muslim political communities of the Persian Gulf.

Humanitarian Intervention: Advantages and Disadvantages in East Timor and Kosovo

Rebecca Morton • Mar 29 2014 • Essays

The intervention in East Timor illustrated how armed force can save lives, but intervention in Kosovo failed to provide a long-term solution and did more harm than good.

Do We Need to be “Critical” When Studying International Relations?

Sara Ormes-Ganarin • Mar 27 2014 • Essays

Critical thought leaves us no choice but to consider the morality of our theories and practises, and although we might not need to be critical, we certainly ought to be.

In-State Tuition Laws and College Enrollment of Undocumented Hispanic Students

Elena Dain • Mar 27 2014 • Essays

Although the future of the US DREAM Act is unknown at this time, young undocumented immigrants can still benefit from states’ policies such as in-state tuition rates.

Political Corruption and Insecurity in Southeast Asia

Cristian Vaduva • Mar 26 2014 • Essays

Political corruption in Southeast Asia is an important threat to political and economic security, as external influences on corruption create domestic insecurity.

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