
The Ideological Moderation of Islamist Movements

Julia Tallmeister • Jul 25 2013 • Essays

The behaviour of any particular Islamist movement is rarely static, as movements and parties tend to moderate their ideologies under both inclusive and exclusive regimes.

The Genocide Convention: An Increasingly Meaningless Document?

Faye Shonfeld • Jul 25 2013 • Essays

David Chuter sparks debate about the political and legal value of the Genocide Convention, but fails to encapsulate the subtle nuances which describe where the Convention sits.

Liberal Countries: The Proprietors of Conflict

Mel Nowicki • Jul 25 2013 • Essays

Rather than providing a model of peace for the developing world, liberal states are instigators of conflict in the developing world via their frequent military forays.

Transnational Crime Alternatives

Andrew M. J. Huntleigh • Jul 25 2013 • Essays

Tackling transnational crime requires shoring up failing states as well as as encouraging extant transnational cooperation and attempting to loosen restrictions on further cooperation.

Hamas’s Role in the Future of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Samantha Borders • Jul 21 2013 • Essays

Initially seen as a minority, separatist movement, Hamas has transformed into an influential body in the Israel-Palestinian conflict and peace process.

Thailand’s Struggle for Freedom of Expression in Cyberspace

Tim Yu • Jul 21 2013 • Essays

The combined enforcement of lèse-majesté provisions in the Thai Criminal Code and the Computer Crimes Act threatens the freedom of expression and communication in Thailand.

Are Women’s Rights Human Rights?

Rosie Walters • Jul 20 2013 • Essays

A non-feminist approach to women’s human rights sees them as separate from or secondary to other human rights concerns, and does not take women’s lives and experiences into account.

A Social Constructivist Perspective of the Asia-Europe Meeting

Ricarda Scheele • Jul 20 2013 • Essays

In the international arena ASEM remains unprecedented, and its added value clearly lies in its role as a regional integrator for Europe and Asia. Only through the constructivist lens can this be seen.

Customary Morality: First-Best Principles for Immigration Policies

Leonardo Quattrucci • Jul 20 2013 • Essays

States must evaluate immigrants’ claims, backgrounds, and relationship with the rights of the insiders and design their immigration policies as reflections of their constitutional values.

The Delegitimizing Power of the ‘Terrorism’ Label

Anais Chagankerian • Jul 18 2013 • Essays

The terrorism label is a powerful means to reach political goals, because of the emotional impact it has on audiences and the memories it provokes from past instances of violence.

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