
What are the Prospects for the United Nations?

Joshua Colebourne • Jan 30 2013 • Essays

The United Nations have gained the chair of global moral arbiter in an essentially anarchic international society and will continue to be so in the foreseeable future.

Has “Strategic” Airpower Failed to Live up to its Promise?

Paul Leo Clark • Jan 30 2013 • Essays

While airpower is an important and powerful arm of military force, in today’s unconventional wars, it cannot alone be employed to fulfill an actor’s grand strategy.

Political and Structural Impediments to Universal Human Rights

Victoria Elliot • Jan 29 2013 • Essays

Human rights have emerged as a central tenet to IR, however, the international human rights regime faces impediment as a guarantor of universal human rights.

Bashar al-Assad: A Machiavellian Prince?

Tom Moylan • Jan 27 2013 • Essays

The differences between Machiavelli and Bashar al-Assad in their approaches are stark. When compared, Bashar al-Assad cannot be considered a true Machiavellian realist.

Economic Globalisation and Society in Developing Countries

Cyrus Gearhart Sie • Jan 26 2013 • Essays

Developed countries possess the means to assist developing countries emerge from the “Third World” and this is most effectively facilitated by economic globalisation.

Western Ideals of Gender Equality: Contemporary Middle Eastern Women

Imogen Parker • Jan 25 2013 • Essays

Cultural relativism holds the potential to inhibit progress towards equality if every time a human right’s law pertaining to women is constrained by a cultural specificity.

Three Theories of International Justice

Declan OBriain • Jan 25 2013 • Essays

Habermas, Pogge, and Kokaz come to a similar conclusion; the establishment of some form of global constitutional order is necessary to bring about egalitarian global redistribution.

Putin and Medvedev: Instruments of the Russian Security Class?

Andrei Constantin • Jan 23 2013 • Essays

Even if the security class has grown stronger under Putin’s first two terms, it has never reached the point from where it could fully control the Russian presidency.

Jean-Paul Sartre: Existential “Freedom” and the Political

Yvonne Manzi • Jan 23 2013 • Essays

Sartre’s concept of freedom should not be omitted from debates in political thought. His is a valuable ‘technical and philosophical’ concept rooted in questions of existence and being.

Is Intervention a Useful Tool to Stop Humanitarian Crises?

Casey Sahadath • Jan 23 2013 • Essays

Humanitarian intervention creates a human rights conundrum, but it is a crucial tool in stopping humanitarian crises and protecting the welfare of civilian populations caught therein.

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