
Are Human Rights Universal?

Joe Derry-Malone • Oct 4 2012 • Essays

As has been seen in Latin America, human rights violations are neither formulaic nor predictable. They are far from universal, as their accessibility is currently limited. Nations must accept their moral obligations to promote human rights.

Is an Ethical Foreign Policy Good Domestic Politics for a Governing Party?

Yasmin Lane • Oct 3 2012 • Essays

Ethical foreign policy has been set up and practised in an overly-ambitious way which has caused the public to hold disproportionate expectations towards the governing party.

Can the South Caucasian States Establish Themselves as Independent Actors?

anon • Oct 2 2012 • Essays

Treating the South Caucasus as one defined region is very credulous, which consequently runs the risk of blurring the complexities of regional policy-making.

Why is Turnout at Elections Declining Across the Democratic World?

Luca Ferrini • Sep 27 2012 • Essays

Declining trust in traditional democratic institutions as vehicles for personal fulfilment and well-being has eroded the sentiment of civic duty.

Are NGO Agendas Dictated By Western Assumptions?

Lauren Durand • Sep 26 2012 • Essays

The politicisation of NGOs has been widely questioned and their increasing reliance on donor states’ ideologies has pulled them away from their original purpose: immediate relief.

What Does Minority Report Tell Us About Geopolitical Imagination?

Luke Corden • Sep 26 2012 • Essays

There is a stark analogue between the policies and moral justifications for pre-emption in the Bush Doctrine and the workings of, and moral justifications given for, pre-crime.

Why the UK PREVENT Strategy Does Not Prevent Terrorism

Erik Eriksen • Sep 25 2012 • Essays

The UK’s reliance on a Prevent Strategy of counterterrorism is likely to prove counter-productive, as it alienates the individuals whose support is needed. For this reason, it must be discarded.

The Difference Principle: Inconsistency in Rawlsian Theory?

Wen Zha • Sep 23 2012 • Essays

Why does the difference principle as outlined by John Rawls in “A Theory of Justice” and “The Law of Peoples” seem to demand less in the international than in the domestic case?

State-Sponsored Terrorism: The U.S.’s Response to the Nicaraguan Revolution

anon • Sep 23 2012 • Essays

The response of the U.S. to the Nicaraguan Revolution was a clear example of state-sponsored terrorism, as evidenced by the judgement of the International Court of Justice.

The Counterproductivity of US Covert Action During The Cold War

Nicholas Lawrence Adams • Sep 22 2012 • Essays

The long term consequences of covert action during the Cold War and the legacy left from ethically dubious plans have cost the US more than they gained.

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