
The Syrian Crystal Ball and the Unfolding of EU-Turkey Relations

Danielle le Poidevin • Aug 4 2012 • Essays

In spite of a lack of crisis management on the part of Turkish and EU officials, there remains practical potential for Turkish-EU cooperation in Syria.

Women in the Arab World: A Case of Religion or Culture?

Desiree Bryan • Aug 2 2012 • Essays

Religion, culture and politics are historically interdependent influences, constantly reimagined and reconstituted throughout history, that shape the space that women occupy.

The Workers’ Party and Democratisation in Brazil

Safa Sharifi • Aug 2 2012 • Essays

Whilst its programmes have not been comprehensively successful, The Worker’s Party has been a largely democratising force in what is a continuous, evolutionary process.

Adam Smith and the Economic Model of State-Individual Relation: Design, Impact, Prevalence

Leonardo S. Milani • Aug 2 2012 • Essays

Adam Smith’s greatest social and economic legacy lies in his theory’s contribution to the development of the fundamental civilizational factors that formed the modern West.

Constructing Responsibility: Sovereignty and Intervention in the Wake of Libya

Paulo M. Rodriguez • Aug 1 2012 • Essays

If states act according to self-interest and material capacity, as the dominant paradigm suggests, why do values and common humanity even matter?

Beware the Utopians

Lucas Van Milders • Aug 1 2012 • Essays

How can we set limits to state sovereignty and power without lapsing into a form of utopianism, directed towards an end point, that entails the paternalistic and imperialistic policies of cosmopolitanism?

What are the Political Causes of Failed States in Sub-Saharan Africa?

Alberto Pecoraro • Jul 31 2012 • Essays

The causes of Africa’s failed states must be researched within those states. External relations of dependency and neocolonialism have aggravated their situation but are not the main causes.

The Freedom Party of Austria and the Rise of Euroscepticism

Jamie Sanders • Jul 31 2012 • Essays

Euroscepticism is becoming much more mainstream and it is now almost expected of all political parties to openly criticise the EU in some form or another.

Gacaca: A Successful Experiment in Restorative Justice?

Charlotte Clapham • Jul 30 2012 • Essays

Gacaca was not a successful experiment in restorative justice. It did not contain a strong enough reparative element and was hampered by factors of capacity such as a lack of legal expertise and sufficient compensation for victims.

A Critical Evaluation of Mikhail Gorbachev’s Role in Ending the Cold War

Rafal Nedzarek • Jul 30 2012 • Essays

Although Gorbachev’s merit in ending the Cold War has been eroded by new evidence, it was his skillful diplomacy that prevented its violent end.

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