Scholars cannot discount Huntington because core parts of his arguments still remain relevant to the narratives of today even if he is incorrect in some places.
Huntington was right to call attention to kin-countries. But the idea of kin-country can only be made useful if it is stripped of its ‘clash of civilizations’ baggage.
Russians outside Russia become ‘more Catholic than the Pope’, because they see the reality of their countries of residence and compare it with the virtual reality created by the Russian state media.
Political will in the US and across Asia, backed by public opinion, are giving diplomacy a chance. This is the best starting point for a deal since the early 1990s.
How things plays out in the Indo-Pacific depends on the willingness of Asia’s other great powers to defend a system, rather than contain an empire
Music video not just encourages but forces scholars of music in world politics to go beyond the places where references to the political are easy to find.
Under Xi the People’s Liberation Army has a clear role in the national story of rejuvenation and empowerment that the President has been promoting since he became leader.
Britain has been, to quote Stephen George, an ‘awkward partner’ with warm feelings for European integration only present among pockets of society.
Toynbee draws attention away from Huntington’s account, pointing to the role played by political actors in borrowing, appropriating, and manipulating ‘foreign’ concepts.
Turkey’s fight against the YPG and capture of Afrin serves as a catalyst for the expansion of Turkish power in Syria and puts poor Turkish-U.S. relations at further risk.
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