
Consumer Activism: Reinforcing Moral Identity through Fair Trade Coffee

Pierce Lohman • May 24 2012 • Essays

A consumer’s choice is not limited to quality alone. A consumer activist can strengthen his or her moral identity by buying fair trade goods.

What is the Best Way to Deal With Former Combatants in Order to Ensure Peace?

Phil Brown • May 23 2012 • Essays

Comprehensive reintegration processes are the most advantageous way to deal with former combatants to ensure lasting peace.

The Legacy of Communism in CEE

Billy Marsh • May 23 2012 • Essays

No culture or society can escape the 1989 revolutions; they marked a distinct caesura in International Relations. The states that emerged had to deal with unique circumstances, being geographically located in Europe but politically worlds apart.

How Serious is the Threat of Cyber Warfare?

Damian Struglinski • May 22 2012 • Essays

The debate about cyber war suffers heavily from media hype. Cyber weapons are not weapons in the classical sense, serving protesters better than the army.

What Impact Did Decolonisation have on Britain?

Richard J. Vale • May 22 2012 • Essays

The impact of decolonisation was greatly mitigated by the spread of informal empire through Britain’s rather selective approach to granting independence. This was a last attempt to turn global politics to Britain’s advantage.

Civil-Military Relations in Turkey

Ariana Keyman • May 21 2012 • Essays

The shift in Turkish civil-military relations post 2002 is a consequence of an emerging reconfiguration of norms, interests, and identity in Turkish politics.

Power, Domestic Politics, and the Spanish-American War

Bella Wang • May 21 2012 • Essays

The Spanish-American War fails to support strict interpretation of democratic peace theory, and instead provides an instance in which two democracies went go to war because their people demanded it.

China’s Naval Modernization: A Fundamental Change in its National Security Strategy?

Shaun Sunil Sandu • May 20 2012 • Essays

China has more than quadrupled its expenditure on naval spending as part of a policy of sharply increasing defence spending since the early 2000s.

Roosevelt’s Path to the Second World War: Interventionist or Isolationist?

Jenny Wilson • May 20 2012 • Essays

Stuck with an isolationist Congress and public, Roosevelt pursued a policy of appeasement while always entertaining the need for entry into the war.

The Influence of Right Wing Politics in Britain During the 2009 European Elections

Kriti Bami • May 15 2012 • Essays

Parties that identify with being on the right of centre, who follow a Eurosceptic ideology and call for the withdrawal of Britain from the European Union show significant growth in electoral support in recent years.

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