It is about time to support the democratic movement in Iran in any way that we feasibly can. In this effort, context and local knowledge matter greatly.
The discourse on ‘terrorism’ has always been, full of contradictions and inconsistencies. Its central normative claim remains as untenable today as it was in the 1980s.
The disorganized nature meant that the recent protests emerged quickly, but had no clear common goals or leadership, which made continued action unsustainable.
Indigenous efforts challenge state-centric views to include different ways of understanding relations between peoples, the natural world and the planet.
Asian perspectives highlight a need for IR to become a global discipline that appreciates political and cultural difference but also reflects a shared history and humanity.
By drawing attention to alternative ways that space can be imagined, critical geographers have sought to transform international politics and the global space.
Realism does not provide a one-stop solution to the refugee crisis, but it acts as a critical corrective to political discourses that securitise refugees.
Trump’s recent comments on Africa reflect the ‘white identity crisis’ that fuelled his campaign, it also exposes problematic western geopolitical imaginaries of Africa.
ISIS has revealed that a productive stability probably needs more than the brokering of existing national interests by outside powers and local elites.
Trump’s move will certainly not help solve the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. More notably, it perhaps only signals a further American retreat from multilateral engagement.
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