
Is the US winning the ‘War on Drugs’ in Latin America?

Miranda Murphy • Dec 9 2011 • Essays

The general consensus in the literature and the media is that the US is losing the ‘war on drugs’. Rates of consumption in the US have remained roughly the same over the last ten years and the drug trade remains a multi-billion dollar industry run by a complex international network.

Does Britain share responsibility for the commencement of hostilities in 1914?

Simon Walker • Dec 7 2011 • Essays

Britain was certainly not innocent. Although it was not an overt aggressor in the run up to conflict, its policy of manipulation and inaction was very damaging. Britain may have not started the war but at the very least it did little to avoid it.

Modern Warfare: The Introduction of Predator Drones

Joseph Morbi • Dec 5 2011 • Essays

Predator drones, first developed in 1995, have been widely utilised during the Global War on Terror due to their ability to provide surveillance and combat capabilities for a relatively low cost and without risk to the human operator.

Human Security, Development and Biopolitics

Liana Small • Dec 3 2011 • Essays

Security studies has seen drastic changes since the end of the Cold War. A heightened focus on the individual has brought about the concept of human security and caused a shift from state-centric to a human-centric approaches.

John Locke and the Possibility of a ‘Global Commonwealth’

Mareike Oldemeinen • Dec 2 2011 • Essays

In a time of globalisation and complex interdependence, drawing upon on the ideas of past influential thinkers and adapting these concepts to current circumstances is beneficial to aid a better understanding of our contemporary world.

NEPAD and African Development Policy

Samuel Bullen • Nov 27 2011 • Essays

Many Africans wait for it to fail as its predecessors did, and mistrust its intentions. But the New Partnership for Africa’s Development has a set of ambitious forward-thinking goals and ideals and is an excellent example of what Africans can do when they come together to help the continent out of the mire of its history and dependence.

Comparing India and Pakistan’s Nuclear Proliferation Policies During the Cold War

Leonardo S. Milani • Nov 27 2011 • Essays

India and Pakistan’s transformational process of emerging as opaque nuclear powers was an example of different the different motivations, aspirations and ambitions for obtaining nuclear status during the Cold War era.

Are International Courts Effective?

Sophie Crockett • Nov 27 2011 • Essays

International courts as they stand are flawed, yet they have accomplished a great deal in making the international order less anarchic. It would be naïve, however, to assume that the relative achievements of international justice have eradicated the risk of genocide and other heinous crimes against humanity

The on-going conflict in Somalia: A short report

Joseph Morbi • Nov 24 2011 • Essays

The Civil War in Somalia has gripped the country for 20 years, causing widespread displacement of citizens, and has turned Somalia into a training ground for Islamic terrorists in Africa. Since 2006 the civil war has taken a much larger religious dimension.

The Evolution of Stalin’s Foreign Policy during Word War Two

Frederick Strachan • Nov 23 2011 • Essays

Throughout the war what Stalin wanted most from the Western Powers was their commitment to a second front, economic aid and their agreement to the restoration of Russia’s 1941 borders. Although his methods evolved, these objectives did not change.

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