
The Turkish Referendum and Its Impact on Turkey’s Foreign Policy

Md. Muddassir Quamar • May 22 2017 • Articles

The Turkish referendum results have confirmed a change in Turkey’s political system and has, in the views of Erdoğan’s critics, formalized an authoritarian rule.

The Beginning(s) and End(s) of the International Order

Glenda Sluga • May 22 2017 • Articles

As statesmen turn to ad hoc foreign policy by tweet it may be time to resuscitate the importance of “international society” as a means and ends of international order.

The Global Reconstitution of Borders: A Five-part Symposium

Mette Eilstrup-Sangiovanni • May 21 2017 • Articles

Borders both constitute and personify political communities, simultaneously symbolizing their cohesiveness and embodying their separateness from (and fear of) ‘others’.

A Realist Explanation for India’s Rejection to the US Offer of Mediation

Despite the exchange of courtesies between Modi and Trump, the Indian government has refused any direct third-party role in resolving its issues with Pakistan.

Which T.V. Show or Movie Does This World Most Resemble?

Patricia Sohn • May 19 2017 • Articles

Some elements of the story lines of known television shows and movies resonate well with the current global political climate.

The Death of the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Contradictions of Neoliberalism

Madison Cartwright • May 18 2017 • Articles

The U.S may consider a complete break, abandoning neoliberalism in favour of a new order which can maintain its leadership and achieve consensus at home.

What’s Wrong with this Picture? Connecting Pedagogies to Students’ Lives

David Roberts • May 18 2017 • Articles

Hegemonic pedagogic practices in IR and Politics teaching are at odds with the capacity of our brains to interpret and make sense of the world visually.

The Single African Passport – Curb the Enthusiasm, Challenges Abound

Michael Asiedu • May 17 2017 • Articles

The concept of continental integration under the African Union with a single African passport comes with some merits and some challenges.

Feeling For the Game: How Emotions Shape Listening in Peacebuilding Partnerships

Pernilla Johansson • May 17 2017 • Articles

Interpreting emotions are not considered relevant to being a competent peace building practitioner, but paying attention to it helps us to listen and identify obstacles.

Hong Kong’s Chief Executive Election and Political Future

Mathew Wong • May 16 2017 • Articles

With the lack of a truly democratic government, a leader sympathising with the people and representing their interest might be the best Hong Kong can currently hope for.

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