
The Intensification of US Efforts to Build an Atomic Bomb

James Chisem • May 27 2011 • Essays

The mushroom cloud has retrospectively obscured the context in which American leaders took the decision to build and use the atomic bomb. The principle rationale behind the intensification of the Manhattan Project in the first half of 1945 was the desire of the US bureaucracy to end the war in the Pacific before the planned invasion of the Japanese mainland in November 1945.

The Evolution of Terrorism as a Tool of Political Change

Dumitrache Andrei • May 26 2011 • Essays

Terrorist organizations have become more effective in delivering fear to global populations. It is not only globalization that has helped terrorist groups operate more efficiently, but also their inherited nature of a constant process of adaptation, ingenuity, and incrementalism when faced with new grand strategies.

An Undemocratic Hong Kong?

Charlotte Brandon • May 25 2011 • Essays

Interestingly, Hong Kong already has institutions that underlie democracy but it is still yet to be legitimate. This poses the key question; if Hong Kong has institutions that do to some extent, simulate a democracy, what has prevented full transition for Hong Kong to become a legitimate democracy?

Why has a negotiated settlement been possible in Northern Ireland and not the Basque conflict?

IJ Benneyworth • May 23 2011 • Essays

A case can be made that a negotiated settlement has been possible in Northern Ireland due to an inclusive political strategy and acceptance of compromise, whereas the Basque situation has not been conductive to a settlement due to the government pursuing an exclusionary position towards ETA and radical nationalist political groups.

Is the Sudan conflict best understood in terms of race, religion, or regionalism?

Richard J. Vale • May 22 2011 • Essays

Both the enormous diversity within Sudan in combination with the lack of a substantial “Sudanese” identity accounts for the prevalence of conflict. This absence of a widely accepted and omnipresent state identity also explains how identity is formed in relation to hegemony.

Unstable Peace in the Pacific

Joseph Artuso • May 22 2011 • Essays

In discussions of U.S. hegemony in the Asia-Pacific region, China looms large. The United States—along with many of China’s neighbors—have cautiously embraced China’s rise. However tensions in the region have been on the rise and the potential for strategic rivalry in the long run remains high.

Is the anarchical international system the cause of war?

Morgane Griveaud • May 22 2011 • Essays

When thinking about anarchy in international relations, we have to consider world order and how it is organised. Can an anarchical system be ordered? The cause of war is not only systemic, but via the fact that states can generate conflicts by their own choice, mainly because of self-interest and a thirst for power.

The ‘Great Debates’ in international relations theory

IJ Benneyworth • May 20 2011 • Essays

Almost a century after its birth, IR is still in the process of defining itself. The Great Debates stimulated discussion about the essential characteristics of the discipline, and through these IR theory has undoubtedly advanced in complexity and nuance since its founding, and doubtless will continue to do so.

The Successes and Failures of the World Bank on Global Poverty

Dumitrache Andrei • May 18 2011 • Essays

The World Bank rose out of political and security necessity in the US sphere of influence to stabilize Europe. It has grown to adapt through time, both to the new challenges of the late 20th century, as well as to the politically correct speech the growing global civil society has been promoting in the ever globalizing public space.

Deception, Development or Interdependence? China’s Approach to African Trade

Harry Kazianis • May 17 2011 • Essays

China and the west view Africa with a different set of eyes. In supporting trade with any and all nations in Africa and around the globe, China by default supports nations that have horrendous human rights track records that do not support democratic institutions. But China’s model of economic aid can be used by African nations to pull millions of people out of poverty. It is nothing more, nothing less.

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