
Pluralism and International Society

Tom Keating • Feb 17 2016 • Articles

One of the distinguishing characteristics of international society is its attention to a plurality of states operating within a mutually recognised society.

Hurricane Sanders in the Democratic Camp

Monish Tourangbam • Feb 16 2016 • Articles

The longer the race, the sharper the divide within the Democratic party. This should concern Hillary if she were to face a Republican candidate in November.

Moral Responsibility in International Relations: The US Response to Rwanda

Cathinka Vik • Feb 14 2016 • Articles

With the evolution of solidarism in the English School, new complexities associated with the concept of moral responsibility are revealed at the state level.

Interpreting Diplomacy: The Approach of the Early English School

Ian Hall • Feb 14 2016 • Articles

Abandoning interpretivism has paid dividends for the English School. Yet, it continues to be dogged by criticism that it is complacent when it comes to matters of method.

Xi Jinping’s UK Visit Raises Questions about How to Deal with a Rising China

Zhiqun Zhu • Feb 13 2016 • Articles

President Xi’s active global diplomacy is not so much about what China wants and does, but how the international community responds to the new China

The Tusk Proposal and the Brexit Debate: Not a Bad Deal at All?

Günter Walzenbach • Feb 12 2016 • Articles

David Cameron’s negotiations with the EU leaves us with several policy paradoxes in the midst of competing referendum campaigns fighting for the attention of British voters.

Using Gender Lenses to Decolonize Trauma and Memory in IR

Erica Resende and Dovile Budryte • Feb 12 2016 • Articles

The intersections of two bodies of literature—feminist perspectives in (and on) IR and the study of traumatic memory in IR—offer a promising avenue for research.

TAPI – An Innocent Pipeline or a Strategic Sword?

Ashay Abbhi • Feb 12 2016 • Articles

TAPI certainly has the potential of becoming a great strategic asset. Regional stability will be key to TAPI’s evolution from a pipeline into a strategic sword

Pluralism, the English School and the Challenge of Normative Theory

John Williams • Feb 11 2016 • Articles

English School pluralism does not deserve its current reputation as a statist, conservative and declining facet of the English School project.

The Democratic Establishment Feels the Bern

Uma Purushothaman • Feb 11 2016 • Articles

Even if Clinton wins the nominations, Sanders has exposed enough chinks in her armour to make a Presidential contest tough for her to win.

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