
Weddings and Funerals: The Paradox in China’s Developing LGBT Community

Gang Li • Aug 12 2015 • Articles

Queer comrades should ‘come out’ again, change from being isolated individuals in closed small circles and limited groups, and form a real community.

Kurds, Democracy and a New Coalition Government

Kubilay Yado Arin • Aug 11 2015 • Articles

The Turkish election results validate the path towards a political solution to the Kurdish question and point towards further Kurdish unity in the region.

The New Generation of Chinese Feminists

Yaya Chen • Aug 9 2015 • Articles

China’s feminists have launched performances, demonstrations, and a national speaking tour, have organised workshops on different topics, recruited, trained new members.

Going to University, or Not?

Stephen McGlinchey • Aug 9 2015 • Articles

You will probably be working for the rest of your life, so make sure that the precious few years you spend in university are at a time when you can really enjoy it.

Anarchism and Non-Representational Theory in the Social Sciences

Tom Smith • Aug 7 2015 • Articles

While the British cybernetics movement remained marginalized, anarchism can be viewed with more relevance in a post-representational social scientific milieu.

What Do Chinese Youth Really Think about Gender?

Huili Meng • Aug 6 2015 • Articles

The post 90s Chinese can’t transcend the patriarchal power system, but evidence suggests that gender literacy is having a positive effect, building gender consciousness.

The Purpose of INDCs for an International Climate Agreement

Max Meulemann • Aug 5 2015 • Articles

Intended Nationally Determined Contributions are not a silver bullet to stop climate change, but they could serve as a stepping stone to a more comprehensive agreement.

Sacred Cows and the Idea of Political Economy in Southern Africa

Peter Vale • Aug 5 2015 • Articles

South African politics must move beyond narrow thinking and recognise political economy as a tool not only for sound analysis, but also for good policy-making.

Counter-terrorism: The Liberal Biopolitics of Securing Life

Ayshwarya Rajith Sriskanda Rajah • Aug 2 2015 • Articles

The Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 does not undermine liberal values and principles, because is in line with classical liberal thought on securing life.

Why Understanding Religion Matters in Post-conflict Zones

Denis Dragovic • Jul 31 2015 • Articles

Examining the doctrines of religious institutions can help understand their relation to the international community in times of conflict, peacebuilding and development.

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