
It’s Not Only about Illegal Migration & International Law: The Uighur Conundrum

Siegfried O. Wolf • Jul 21 2015 • Articles

the criticism on the deportation of the Uighur from Thailand to China shows the ambiguity international actors regarding the Uighurs’ treatment by international partners.

A Non-Violent Conflict: The Venezuela-Guyana Dispute

W. Alejandro Sanchez • Jul 21 2015 • Articles

Warfare may not come, but it is clear that inter-state disputes among the two countries over territory and resources will not end anytime soon.

US Policy on the South and East China Seas: Is Underbalancing the Future’s Wave?

Brad Nelson • Jul 20 2015 • Articles

The US needs to set new patterns of behavior now so as to instantiate them, make them routine and hard to break in the future, no matter who is in the White House.

Personal-Political Imaginations: Feminism, Gender and Security in Serbia

Laura McLeod • Jul 17 2015 • Articles

To understand how particular meanings of ‘gender security’ come about, it’s necessary to pay attention to personal-political imaginations of conflict and post-conflict.

The Past Is Dead. Long Live the Past! A Manifesto for (Teaching) Social Change

Maïa Pal • Jul 17 2015 • Articles

Historiography becomes not only a valuable object of study, but also a crucial reminder that every present has its own version of the past.

The Political Economy of Biodiversity Banking

Molly Bond • Jul 17 2015 • Articles

Monetising ecosystems, emissions, Species and global-commons in has evolved the ideology from ‘selling nature in order to save it’ to ‘saving nature in order to trade it’

Authoritarian Closeness: Gruevski, Putin and the Macedonian Political Crisis

Ljupcho Stojkovski • Jul 15 2015 • Articles

If the West’s pledge for democracy, meet Gruevski’s bad behaviour with a stern response and not with (more) concessions, the chief one being his hold onto power.

The Islamic State – One Year On

Mohammed Nuruzzaman • Jul 15 2015 • Articles

The IS can no longer be viewed as a passing phenomenon and may expand in the future – unless it is coerced into total submission or at least denied a footprint in Iraq.

‘Warm Bodies’: A ZomRomCom Discourse on Counterinsurgency

Kristina Pasko • Jul 13 2015 • Articles

The hit 2013 zombie movie ‘Warm Bodies’ offers a means of understanding counterinsurgency strategies, as well as a critique of such strategies.

Hydropower Compensation and Changing Nature-Society Relations in Laos

W. Nathan Green and Ian G. Baird • Jul 13 2015 • Articles

Compensation should not just be about restoring livelihoods to previous material levels. Compensation fundamentally alters nature-society relations in certain contexts.

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