
Where Chlorine Is Your Best Friend

Mukesh Kapila • Jan 8 2015 • Articles

Ebola vaccine trials are expected to start in Guinea shortly. But there are other signs of hope: the many improvised disinfectant dispensers sprouting around homesteads.

What is Islamic Democracy? The Three Cs of Islamic Governance

M. A. Muqtedar Khan • Jan 7 2015 • Articles

Democracy is inherent to Islamic values and Islamic historical experience. 
Muslims must revisit their sources and re-understand them without a bias against things.

Beyond Arms and Beards: Local Governance of ISIS in Syria

Rana Khalaf • Jan 7 2015 • Articles

Syria presents complex governance dynamics. Without investing in local dynamics alongside the international dynamics sustainability, anti-ISIS plans are doomed to fail.

The Forgotten: Pakistan’s Transgender Population, and the Islamic State

Erin Kilbride • Jan 7 2015 • Articles

ISIS’ in Pakistan poses a severe threat to LGBTQ Pakistanis. The debate over their presence, needs to be explained to include the safety and rights of LGBTQ populations.

The One Percent Problem

Harvey M. Sapolsky • Jan 5 2015 • Articles

One of the strangest criticisms of US security policy is that it burdens a too small percentage of the American people. In fact, the US has stopped paying for its wars.

The Constitution, De-Constitution, and Reconstitution of International Society

Colin Cordner • Jan 5 2015 • Articles

If the object of persuasion is not singular and universal, but rather a plurality of sovereigns, then effecting international change becomes a more complex and political.

The Islamic State and the Arab Tribes in Eastern Syria

Haian Dukhan and Sinan Hawat • Dec 31 2014 • Articles

Achieving the coalition’s objective of destroying ISIS will depend on not only hitting the right targets at the right time, but reaching out to Arab tribes as well.

RtoP and Women, Peace and Security: A Shared Agenda for the Asia-Pacific?

Srinjoy Bose • Dec 30 2014 • Articles

Shared advocacy between the Responsibility to Protect (RtoP) and the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agendas is vital to help realise their stated objectives.

Comparing Goals and Aspirations of National 
vs Transnational Islamist Movements

Joseph J. Kaminski • Dec 28 2014 • Articles

National-based Islamist movements and transnational-based Islamist movements have different approaches to diverse political attitudes and religious value systems.

The United States and Libya: Turbulent History and Uncertain Future

Youssef M. Sawani • Dec 27 2014 • Articles

Libyans’ aspirations for a post-Gaddafi Libya have not been attained. Libya is moving into new phase of a more substantial civil war, with wider regional repercussions.

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