Getting published in academia is a big deal for early-career academics. Journals are often a key outlet for publishing research, lending themselves to less expansive projects.
The contributors to E-IR’s IR Theory and Practice blog discuss whether Nicholas Kristof’s argument surrounding the irrelevance of political scientists rings true.
Launching a journal is one thing, but sustaining interest in it and developing the audience is quite another. CEU PSJ has achieved both these things.
When negotiations between the US, Russia and Iran grow best in the dark, as they are bound to, Assad will realise that he is an expendable pawn in the game of nations.
Given the depth of compromise already displayed in Northern Ireland, why would disagreement over essentially symbolic politics prove to be so intractable?
Every journal has its own genesis. For the CEU PSJ, this came when graduate students recognised there was a large body of scholarship going under-utilised.
In Ukraine, Euromaidan protesters call for democracy. Their disappointment with the EU is growing as attempts to negotiate a way out of the crisis have largely failed.
In the coming days, The Ivory Tower will explore the role of the editor and the ‘behind the scenes’ processes of an academic journal. This post is the first of the series.
January 2014 saw new constitutions adopted in Egypt and Tunisia. These constitutions reveal just how differently the transitions in Egypt and Tunisia have taken shape.
The politicians in Juba are refusing to admit that this recent surge of violence is fueled by tribalism. Indeed, South Sudan is on the brink of civil war and state failure.
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