
Broadening the Reputation Debate Over Syria

Vaughn Shannon • Sep 28 2013 • Articles

Does reputation matter, and is it worth a military strike? The call for prudence may be the best formula for managing American policy in Syria, avoiding the negative reactions that challenge America’s long-term power and broader goals.

Angie: The Most Powerful Politician in Europe?

Jocelyn Mawdsley • Sep 27 2013 • Articles

Angela Merkel’s resounding victory in the German federal elections has been portrayed in much of the European press as solidifying German power in the EU, but her election success has also brought domestic problems.

Rent-a-Gob: Academics for Hire

Matthew A. Hill • Sep 26 2013 • Articles

Academics are constantly being asked to play white coated experts in the media, dispensing pearls of 20 second segmented wisdom about a particular issue. Whether or not what they say is intelligent is another matter.

Understanding the Limitations of the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy

Tom Dyson and Theodore Konstadinides • Sep 26 2013 • Articles

Due to the presence of the Alliance Security Dilemma, European defence cooperation is likely to remain bilateral and sub-regional, with negative ramifications for Europe’s power in the international system.

The Nature and Role of the Catholic Church and the Holy See in the International Order

Robert John Araujo • Sep 24 2013 • Articles

The Catholic Church has a unique status in international law and relations. Through the international person of the Holy See, the Church exercises sovereignty in international relations.

Fun and Freedom at ECE

Dylan Kissane • Sep 24 2013 • Articles

The freedom to lecture on global issues and to propose new ways of thinking to a group of bright, engaged students and to really have fun in the classroom outweigh the obvious drawbacks of getting through less material.

Iran, the SCO and Major Geo-strategic Shifts in a Post-Ahmadinejad Era

Hossein Aghaie Joobani • Sep 24 2013 • Articles

The prospects for Iranian membership of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization are likely to improve following the Iranian election. But, the move might be costly for Iran.

Rationality, Emotion, and Protracted Civil War Violence

Manus Midlarsky • Sep 23 2013 • Articles

Why do some people initiate or prolong conflict when the odds are decidedly against them? An emotion-based theory provides an explanation of behavior at the onset of or during civil war.

Huntington and Post-Cold War Paradigms: If Not the Clash of Civilizations, What?

Terry Tucker • Sep 23 2013 • Articles

The twentieth anniversary of ‘The Clash of Civilizations?’ provides us with the opportunity to re-examine the ongoing relevance of Huntington’s thesis in the context of contemporary geopolitics.

The Geopolitics of the Struggle for Syria

Bassel F. Salloukh • Sep 23 2013 • Articles

The disaster in Syria epitomizes the destructive effects of the sectarianization of regional geopolitical battles and the use of the popular Arab uprisings for otherwise geopolitical ends.

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