
More Questions than Answers? 12 Years on from UNSCR 1325

Katharine Wright • Oct 31 2012 • Articles

e-IR’s range of publications to mark the anniversary of UNSCR 1325 reflect on the unintended consequences resulting from the resolution and highlight the silences surrounding the issues.

Permanent Security Council Members and Resolutions on Women, Peace and Security

Soumita Basu • Oct 31 2012 • Articles

Dominant narratives on UN SCR 1325 and subsequent developments highlight the leadership of civil society organizations, particularly the NGO Working Group on Women, Peace and Security.

The UK’s Approach to UNSCR 1325: Limitations of Gender Mainstreaming?

Roberta Guerrina • Oct 31 2012 • Articles

The UK’s approach to UNSCR 1325 instigated a new national debate. However, meaningful engagement with the gendered nature of state approaches to security is a long way off.

UNSCR 1325 and Gender Mainstreaming in the UN Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding Activities

Marianna Karakoulaki • Oct 31 2012 • Articles

In spite of UNSCR 1325, gender mainstreaming within peacekeeping and peacebuilding activities has not been an overarching success due to lack of understanding of the concept.

‘A Slippery Slope?’ The Impact of Scottish Independence on Wales

Mari Elin Wiliam • Oct 29 2012 • Articles

With different historical legacies, independence for Scotland would not mean the same for Wales. Though, it might well instigate a break-up of Britain into component, federal parts.

Is Israel’s Deterrence vis-à-vis Hizbollah Diminishing?

Zaki Shalom • Oct 29 2012 • Articles

The launch of missiles and public provocation against Israel give Hizbollah, Iran and Syria much prestige without risking any significant retaliation due to the current election season.

What Can Africa Expect from a Romney Administration?

Andrew C. Miller • Oct 28 2012 • Articles

Aside from reforms to foreign assistance, Africans should not anticipate any major shifts. US policy toward the region is driven by strategic priorities and limited by financial constraints—factors that would change little if Romney took office.

The Legacy of the Apollo Moon Landings

Roger D. Launius • Oct 26 2012 • Articles

The Apollo Space program left an important legacy to both the US nation and the proponents of space exploration. This legacy is vast, going far beyond the political goals for which the project was created.

Public Diplomacy @ State

Fergus Hanson • Oct 26 2012 • Articles

Social media is opening up direct two-way communications between foreign ministries and the general public on an industrial scale. The US Department of State is leading the trend.

Walter Russell Mead, Anklebiters, and Romney’s Vision of the Future

Matthew A. Hill • Oct 26 2012 • Articles

Romney has been quite vocal in his push for energy independence in North America by 2020. This has more to do with generating domestic economic growth than America’s national security.

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