More than a Seat in the General Assembly: The Recognition of de facto States

Flora Marlene Willimek • Aug 27 2024 • Essays

Particularly in the case of de facto states, non-formal recognition practices can play a major role in constructing sovereignty and statehood for the territory in question.

Opinion – Queer Experiences of Atrocity Crimes and the Fight for LGBTI+ Rights

Dean Cooper-Cunningham • Aug 25 2024 • Articles

There is a clear link between LGBTI+ issues, particularly homophobia, and the prevention of – or resistance to – mass atrocities.

Interview – Dan Slater

E-International Relations • Aug 20 2024 • Features

Dan Slater discusses the concepts of strength and weakness in democratisation, and how to account for variations in democratisation patterns across Asia.

Omens for the South Caucasus in the 2024 US Presidential Election

Intigam Mamedov • Aug 19 2024 • Articles

Beyond the US election result, the attention to the South Caucasus depends on which role the emerging regional order will play in a changing global security architecture.

Central Asia: The Last Stronghold of a Declining Russia?

Otabek Akromov • Aug 19 2024 • Articles

Moscow’s instruments of extracting political concessions in the region are gradually losing their effectiveness as the war in Ukraine continues.

Thinking Global Podcast – Marilou Bayard Trépanier

E-International Relations • Aug 19 2024 • Features

Marilou Bayard Trépanier speaks about the Oil Kills uprising, its aims and practices, the fossil fuel non-proliferation treaty, and more.

Unmasking the Narrative: Is China’s Debt Trap Diplomacy Fact or Fiction?

Devyansh Dullar • Aug 19 2024 • Essays

Claims of China’s Debt Trap Diplomacy stem from a Western bias against China and China’s opaque lending practices, but there is little evidence such claims are factual.

Review – Navigating Uncertainty

Anthony Toh Han Yang • Aug 18 2024 • Features

Joseph Liow details the global power dynamics shaping Southeast Asia, but adopts an oversimplified framework to analyse the impact of the US-China conflict on the region.

Interview – Colin Flint

E-International Relations • Aug 15 2024 • Features

Colin Flint talks about China’s rise, influence in the South China Sea and the Belt and Road initiative, as well as the importance of ports and seapower in geopolitics.

The Effects of Wars: Lessons from Ukraine

Reductive approaches must be replaced with a more comprehensive integrated analysis to learn lessons essential to preventing comparable conflicts.

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