
Consequences of Coercion: Impacts and Limitations of Targeted Sanctions Regimes

Nina Kalantar • Dec 2 2018 • Essays

Despite their widespread usage through the UN Security Council, targeted sanctions regimes fail to effectively impair the capacity of the targeted entity.

China in Africa: A Form of Neo-Colonialism?

Mary Madeleine Edel WAN YAN CHAN • Dec 2 2018 • Essays

Defying other states, China is acting like a normal emerging power, playing the geopolitical game and inevitably growing its influence on the African continent.

Rethinking Warfare Concepts in the Study of Cyberwar and Security

Megan Rogers • Dec 1 2018 • Essays

Although malicious cyber offenses are, and will remain, threats, the concepts of militarization, militarism and war, are of limited value for understanding cyberwar.

Is “One Man’s Terrorist Another Man’s Freedom Fighter”?

Vilde Skorpen Wikan • Nov 29 2018 • Essays

Terrorists can, in certain theoretical cases, be considered freedom fighters through Just War Theory. However, it is doubtful this threshold is ever reached in practice.

The UN Failure in Yugoslavia: Lessons from Canadian Peacekeeping

Alen Hristov • Nov 24 2018 • Essays

Canada’s inability to improve UNPROFOR operations in Yugoslavia resulted from an interaction between an inconsistent foreign policy and a changed international system.

Constraints On Rape As a Weapon of War: A Feminist and Post-Colonial Revision

Carina Minami Uchida • Nov 20 2018 • Essays

Rape as a weapon of war is deeply constrained by mainstream IR analyses, so to re-conceptualize the concept feminist, post-colonial and decolonial theories are needed.

UN Intervention: Help or Hindrance in the Democratic Republic of Congo?

Swithun Rumble • Nov 18 2018 • Essays

The UN’s attempts to maintain the peace process in eastern Congo proved mainly ineffective because it failed to identify and engage with key spoilers.

1.5 to Stay Alive: The Influence of AOSIS in International Climate Negotiations

Cecelia Bolon • Nov 17 2018 • Essays

AOSIS nations could provide leadership and strategy to other actors that are also threatened and have little influence in climate change negotiations.

Composing Compositeness: Examining EU Defining Actor Aspect in Russia Relations

Sophia Mård • Nov 17 2018 • Essays

The ‘Christmas Tree’ metaphor best describes the EU’s Russia policy, as certain mechanisms to manage external affairs represent obstacles to a unitary strategy.

Climate Change and Mental Health: An Unlikely Duo

Jessica Reed • Nov 14 2018 • Essays

Mental illness should be included as a critical issue in discussions of human security and global climate change.

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