
Was There a Soviet-led Menace to Global Stability and Freedom in the Late 1940s?

Michal Šenk • Oct 7 2018 • Essays

It was the lack of soft power that demonstrated how unrealistic it truly was for the USSR to expand globally.

High North – Low Tension? Norway, Russia and Securitisation in the Arctic

Therese Ekfeldt • Oct 7 2018 • Essays

Initially reluctant to securitise relations with Russia, Norway has perceived events in Ukraine as destabilising and modified its Russia policy accordingly.

‘Fascisti del Terzo Millennio? No, solo Fascisti’: The Politics of CasaPound

Eugenia Zena • Oct 5 2018 • Essays

Despite some perceptions that the political party CasaPound only selectively invokes fascist ideology, the organization fully adheres to traditional fascist doctrine.

Reform of the Global Financial Architecture: The Role of BRICS and the G20

Gabriella Vermeulen • Oct 1 2018 • Essays

The reforms that are being made in the Global Financial Architecture (GFA) are incremental at best, and not achieving the necessary systemic change.

Sovereignty and Absence in International Relations: Hauntological Performativity

Tarsis Brito • Oct 1 2018 • Essays

Contrasting ‘ontological performativity’ and ‘hauntological performativity’, this essay understands sovereignty as an entity that is neither absent nor present.

Microfinance and the Mirage of Women’s Empowerment

Shubham Singh • Oct 1 2018 • Essays

Rather than moving women out of poverty, access to microloans led to the financialization of village life, and resulted in a feminization of indebtedness.

Mapping the Nexus Between Security and Development in the 21st Century

Leon Donadoni • Sep 29 2018 • Essays

While a mutually constitutive nexus between the fields of security and development exists, the relationship’s content remains ill-defined and unclear.

Gendered Perspectives and Nuclear Disarmament

Lauren Perlik • Sep 24 2018 • Essays

The inclusion of gendered perspectives in security issues is essential and may even provide an impetus for total nuclear disarmament.

The Spread of Islamic Terror in the Contemporary World

Patrick Hinton • Sep 23 2018 • Essays

The crux of the spread of terrorism lies individual leaders being able to anchor terrorist groups in weak states and use modern communication technologies effectively.

Is Nationalism Inherently Violent?

Veronika Prochko • Sep 23 2018 • Essays

Though nationalism by itself may not cause violence, it represents a factor in many inter-communal conflicts and is thus of great importance to international relations.

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