
Are You a Realist in Disguise? A Critical Analysis of Economic Nationalism

Frederico Rafael Silva • Sep 21 2018 • Essays

A constructivist lens on economic nationalism goes beyond traditional realism and illustrates that collective identities play a role in economic policy/behaviour.

How Far Does Civil Society Challenge Neopatrimonial Politics in Africa?

Priya Shah • Sep 17 2018 • Essays

The strength of a civil society campaign dictates its efficacy, but only in the face of an unoppressive regime.

Selective Justice and Persecution? The African View of the ICC-UNSC Relationship

Callum Ross • Sep 16 2018 • Essays

Despite evidence to the contrary, the relationship between the ICC and the UN Security Council is perceived to be discriminatory toward Africa.

Mass Atrocities and Western Imperialism: Evaluating “Responsibility to Protect”

Laura Ningelgen • Sep 6 2018 • Essays

The Responsibility to Protect doctrine has largely failed to effectively end violence against civilians because of its status as a mechanism of humanitarian imperialism.

Taiwan’s Democratisation and China’s Quest for Cross-Strait Reunification

Tommy Sheng Hao Chai • Sep 5 2018 • Essays

Taiwan’s democratic consolidation has fundamentally altered cross-strait politics and has reshaped the debate along the lines of national identity.

How Does Hegemonic Masculinity Influence Wartime Sexual Violence?

Emer Campbell • Sep 2 2018 • Essays

This student essay aims to illustrate how hegemonic masculinity is constructed, maintained and legitimated through the practice of sexual violence.

Is Automation Liberating? The Flawed Optimism Of Postcapitalist Visions

Thomas Horton • Sep 2 2018 • Essays

Contrary to some arguments, increasing automation in the economy will not necessarily lead to a workless, postcapitalist future that is liberating for all.

A Postcolonial Analysis of the European ‘Migrant Crisis’

Caoimhe ODwyer • Aug 29 2018 • Essays

The European migrant crisis illustrates that the immigration/border regimes on the continent are products of European colonial heritage and racialised identities.

Outside of Critical Theory, What Has Marxism Contributed to Understanding IR?

Rory Gillis • Aug 29 2018 • Essays

Marxism has inspired more second-image economic analysis of the international system, this has been useful in criticizing instrumental defenses of state supremacy.

Security as a Normative Issue: Ethical Responsibility and the Copenhagen School

Nathan Olsen • Aug 27 2018 • Essays

The securitization process depends on the legitimacy of the securitizing actor and the acceptance of a threat by the intended audience.

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