Analysing the Justiciability of Social and Economic Rights

Tala Sultan • Oct 6 2024 • Essays

Arguments against SERs’ justiciability—on grounds of their ‘costly’ nature, vagueness, intangibility, and the incapacity of courts—prove counterproductive and misguided.

The Next Challenge for Bangladesh’s 2024 Uprising

Kazi A S M Nurul Huda • Oct 2 2024 • Articles

Arendt’s concept of natality provides a valuable framework as it emphasizes the need for ongoing creativity, engagement, and the establishment of new possibilities.

Beijing’s Charm Offensive: China’s Soft Power Projection in Central Asia

Zhanserik Temirtashev • Oct 1 2024 • Essays

China’s education diplomacy in CARs elucidates the intricacies of building cultural affinity, the nuances of alignment, and the synergy between hard and soft power.

Interview – Klaus Dodds

E-International Relations • Sep 30 2024 • Features

Klaus Dodds reflects on the effects of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on the Arctic Council, and the impacts of Russian claims of hydrocarbon reserves in the Antarctic.

‘Worse Than a Dictatorship’: Rwanda’s 2024 General Election

Martin Duffy • Sep 29 2024 • Articles

In polls that were immediately criticised for disqualifying genuine opposition, Rwanda’s incumbent president Paul Kagame was ostentatiously elected for a fourth term.

Opinion – Georgia’s Embrace of Discrimination

Jonathan Pettifer • Sep 29 2024 • Articles

The Georgian Dream Party seeks to ban pride marches, censor the media, ban the public endorsement of LGBTQ+ relationships, deny gender-affirming care, and outlaw same-sex marriage and adoption.

Opinion – Europe Cannot Ignore the Republican Party’s Shifting Foreign Policy Playbook

Johannes Kornberger • Sep 28 2024 • Articles

Europe must adapt to changing expectations from three competing Republican foreign policy schools or face the geostrategic consequences.

Opinion – Israel’s Two Front War

Bishwajit Acharya and Soumya Narain • Sep 28 2024 • Articles

Whatever happens next in the region, the risks of a broader war (although unlikely) cannot be ruled out – especially when considering an Iranian response.

The 2024 Elections, Disinformation, Cyberattacks and the Possibility of Insurgency in the US

Michael W. Mosser and Dan G. Cox • Sep 26 2024 • Articles

Russia, China, and Iran believe the American house is burning, and evidence suggest they might loot it as it burns.

Opinion – How Global Politics Exploits Women’s Health

Sophie Harman • Sep 24 2024 • Articles

Attacks on women’s health are central to conflict, ranging from slow attrition of restrictions or barriers to accessing women’s health to direct bombing of maternity hospitals.

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