Opinion – Georgia’s Embrace of Discrimination

Jonathan Pettifer • Sep 29 2024 • Articles

The Georgian Dream Party seeks to ban pride marches, censor the media, ban the public endorsement of LGBTQ+ relationships, deny gender-affirming care, and outlaw same-sex marriage and adoption.

Opinion – Europe Cannot Ignore the Republican Party’s Shifting Foreign Policy Playbook

Johannes Kornberger • Sep 28 2024 • Articles

Europe must adapt to changing expectations from three competing Republican foreign policy schools or face the geostrategic consequences.

Opinion – Israel’s Two Front War

Bishwajit Acharya and Soumya Narain • Sep 28 2024 • Articles

Whatever happens next in the region, the risks of a broader war (although unlikely) cannot be ruled out – especially when considering an Iranian response.

The 2024 Elections, Disinformation, Cyberattacks and the Possibility of Insurgency in the US

Michael W. Mosser and Dan G. Cox • Sep 26 2024 • Articles

Russia, China, and Iran believe the American house is burning, and evidence suggest they might loot it as it burns.

Opinion – How Global Politics Exploits Women’s Health

Sophie Harman • Sep 24 2024 • Articles

Attacks on women’s health are central to conflict, ranging from slow attrition of restrictions or barriers to accessing women’s health to direct bombing of maternity hospitals.

A Geopolitical “Furia Roja”? The European Union and Spain’s EURO 2024 Victory

Moritz Weiss and Benjamin Daßler • Sep 24 2024 • Articles

In both soccer and geopolitics, the key to success lies in the ability to bring together diverse strengths into a cohesive, adaptable, and formidable whole.

How the Islamic State Weaponizes Imitation in Its Propaganda

Niels Schattevoet • Sep 24 2024 • Essays

Aggressive imitation is meant not only to justify IS’s violence but to express its worldview—of restoring Muslim honour by avenging the humiliation Muslims have suffered.

Opinion – Omens for Uruguay’s Presidential Elections

Wilder Alejandro Sánchez and Caleb M. Mills • Sep 23 2024 • Articles

Uruguay’s reputation as South America’s most secure state is well-earned, yet economic uncertainty, rising crime and the Venezuela crisis require increased international cooperation.

Opinion – Beijing’s Weaponisation of Diplomacy Against Taiwan

Tarik Solmaz • Sep 23 2024 • Articles

China has been systematically poaching Taiwan’s diplomatic allies over the last several years as part of a systematic campaign.

Northern Ireland as a Sacrifice Zone: The Lough Neagh Crisis

Louise Taylor and John Barry • Sep 22 2024 • Articles

Northern Ireland remains vulnerable to exploitation by corporate interests and governmental neglect which sacrifices public health and environmental integrity for financial gain.

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