
Global Justice: An Exegesis of Contemporary Theories

Corey McCabe • Jan 29 2016 • Essays

The lack of consensus on global justice is a microcosm of schisms present in international relations perspectives.

Implications of the Securitisation of Migration

Elisabeth Farny • Jan 29 2016 • Essays

The securitization of migration reinforces a politics of fear and racism.

The EU’s Promotion of Gender Equality in Egypt: Towards a New Strategy?

Sofia Bianchini • Jan 27 2016 • Essays

The EU cannot let women see their rights deteriorate, nor it can think of them as mere disadvantaged, passive recipients of its aid.

Evolving Norms: How the Libyan & Syrian Conflicts Have Affected the R2P

Jonathan Webb • Jan 26 2016 • Essays

Though the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) norm suffered a setback in the wake of the Syria crisis, the 2011 Libyan intervention offers hope & guidance for its evolution.

Why is the Discourse of ‘Islamic Terrorism’ Problematic?

Josh Holmes • Jan 26 2016 • Essays

The prescribed causal relationship between religion and violence is not only contestable but also alarmingly reductionist.

Transitioning to Democracy: The Role of the Right in Chile and Argentina

Olivia Hutchinson • Jan 21 2016 • Essays

While the left advocated the return to democracy, the right has also played an important part in the transition in both Chile and Argentina – albeit to different results.

Hassan al-Banna: A Starting Point for Contemporary Islamic Fundamentalism

Mona Saleh • Jan 18 2016 • Essays

Al-Banna’s ideas of Islam’s superiority, of his conception of Islam to others, and the monopoly of the absolute truth are the first steps to judge Others as unbelievers.

Purpose, Power, and Problems: The Pursuit of Norms for Cybersecurity

Nam Khoa Nguyen • Jan 17 2016 • Essays

A norms-based approach to achieving cyber security has its merits, but there are significant coordination hurdles to overcome in order to make developing norms lasting.

Norms and the Securitisation of Infectious Diseases

Josie Hornung • Jan 15 2016 • Essays

The emergence and socialisation of the norm of responding to health threats as security threats has reshaped and expanded the global security agenda.

Navigating Nkrumah’s Theory of Neo-colonialism in the 21st Century

Udodilim Nnamdi • Jan 13 2016 • Essays

Through the lens of Kwame Nkrumah, current regional unification efforts by the African Development Bank and the African Union are shown to perpetuate neo-colonialism.

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