Arab-Israeli Conflict

Political Leadership in Times of Agony for Palestinian Citizens

George Bisharat • Jan 25 2015 • Articles

Since 1948 Palestinians have never enjoyed a protected political arena in which to conduct an intimate, direct internal dialogue about their future together as a people.

Creating a New Road Map for Resolving the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Raphael Cohen-Almagor • Dec 26 2014 • Articles

To resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict there is a need for courageous leaders on both sides who seize the opportunities and make the most for their peoples.

The Islamic State and Its Viability

Mohammed Nuruzzaman • Oct 19 2014 • Articles

The IS is a reality that it is here to stay, and it looks to have set for gradual expansion of its territorial boundaries to redraw the political map of the Middle East.

Contending Nakba-denial: The Role of Oral and Visual Testimonies

Una McGahern • Aug 28 2014 • Articles

The potential of oral testimonies lies in their ability to create spaces of human interaction in areas where recognition & engagement are not usually forthcoming.

The Inversion of Just War Theory

Piki Ish-Shalom • Aug 25 2014 • Articles

Despite universalist pretensions, Just War Theory has served partisan interests throughout Operation Protective Edge; ultimately enabling rather than proscribing killing.

R2P in Gaza: A Long Overdue Debate

Coralie Hindawi • Aug 4 2014 • Articles

If R2P will not save lives as quickly as one would like it to, its application to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict can serve the search for a peaceful and just solution.

Conflict in Gaza: Balancing History and the Responsibility to Protect

Cecilia Jacob • Jul 26 2014 • Articles

If there is anything that the current humanitarian tragedy in Gaza teaches us about R2P, it is that history challenges the fulfillment of the international R2P agenda.

A Propensity to Ignore? R2P Advocacy and the Crisis in Gaza

Aidan Hehir • Jul 15 2014 • Articles

The ignorance by R2P advocacy groups of the situation in Gaza contributes to the perception that the R2P is a selective tool of western states.

Review – Deconstructing Zionism

Rumy Hasan • Apr 14 2014 • Features

Vattimo and Marder’s edited collection subjects Zionism to a sustained critique, although the philosophers’ contributions arguably vary in relevance and quality.

The Palestinian Territories and The (Self)legitimizazion of the Settlements

Lorenzo Kamel • Feb 14 2014 • Articles

It is often claimed that Article 80 of the UN Charter preserves Israel’s right to establish settlements. This problematic approach requires a better public understanding.

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