Bashar al-Assad

Lessons From WWI

Peter Vale • Sep 13 2013 • Articles

Next year marks the Centenary of the First World War. Watching the tragic events unfold in Syria provokes one to think of the lessons learned from the carnage brought about by WWI.

Egyptian and Syrian Civil-Military Relations

Glen Segell • Jul 18 2013 • Articles

The civil-military relations in Egypt and Syria help explain their domestic strife and the expected outcome after this ends. Both countries will face problems until these relations are resolved.

War in Syria: The Proxy Element

Paul Rogers • Jul 4 2013 • Articles

While there is a strong element of a proxy war behind the fighting in Syria, the forces and interests involved are best understood in terms of inter-state relations going back more than a decade.

Syria’s Agony: Situation and Outlook, Winter 2013

William Harris • Feb 21 2013 • Articles

After two years of a crisis that has irrevocably changed the Levant, it is worth taking stock of regime and opposition, reviewing primary responsibility for the devastation, and assessing prospects, with or without intervention.

No Turkish Syrian War

Harvey M. Sapolsky • Oct 13 2012 • Articles

Turkey will not be an instrument by which the Assad regime is deposed. It will neither directly attack the Assad government nor be the leader of an intervening coalition. If there is intervention, it will have to be an American initiative.

Turkey, the Balance of Power, and the Risks of Article V

Robert W. Murray • Oct 11 2012 • Articles

Unless there is some sort of extraordinary aggression taken by the Assad regime towards Turkey, NATO’s role should remain focused on harshly worded joint statements and nothing more. Article V invocation would be an overreaction.

The Syrian Army and the Coming Winter War

Glen Segell • Oct 11 2012 • Articles

Assad and the Syrian military are bound together in their fate. Preserving Assad’s power is crucial to keep the armed forces in safe employment – a lifestyle that could scarcely be an option under a new government.

Humanitarian Intervention and Geo-Politics: A Complicated Confluence

Amos N Guiora • Sep 11 2012 • Articles

The complicated confluence of humanitarian intervention and geo-political considerations require the Obama Administration to articulate and implement consistent, well thought through principles and values in Syria.

Intervention vs Non-Intervention in Syria: Assessing Costs and Benefits for the West

Mark N. Katz • Sep 4 2012 • Articles

In the case of Syria, Western policymakers need to focus on, not whether to choose between intervention and non-intervention, but what sort of intervention will minimize costs and maximize benefits.

After Assad: A Host of Challenges

Wayne E. White • Aug 8 2012 • Articles

Relations with a post-Assad Syria remain uncertain. Should Islamic militants play a role in a new order, they would likely be suspicious of the West, and deeply resentful of US support for Israel.

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