Barack Obama

The Legacy of the Obama Administration

Glen Segell • Oct 30 2016 • Articles

During Obama’s tenure America’s global leadership has declined to its lowest ebb leaving some allies to wonder how much they can rely on the US.

The Middle East, Obama, and America’s Quest for a New Grand Strategy

Diego Pagliarulo • Oct 9 2016 • Articles

As the policy record – especially the Iran deal – shows, Obama’s approach can bring positive, even game changing, results at a relatively small cost.

Long Game, Hard Choices: The Obama Administration and Democracy in Egypt

Nicolas Bouchet • Sep 6 2016 • Articles

The experiences of the Arab Spring cannot be erased and the US will have no choice but to factor in its foreign policy, the popular political aspirations in the region.

The Obama Administration and Israel: Aberration or Harbinger of Change?

Jonathan Sciarcon • Aug 29 2016 • Articles

We are witnessing the start of an unraveling bi-partisan support in the US for Israel, which has potentially been hurried by the Obama-Netanyahu feud.

Statecraft and the Limitations of Economic Sanctions

Bryan Early • Aug 21 2016 • Articles

Strategies relying on the pure coercive nature of economic sanctions rarely succeed in their goals, and alone are not capable of forcing countries to make concessions.

Obama and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Jeremy Pressman • Jul 14 2016 • Articles

As we near the end of the Obama administration, the president is likely to leave office without solving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, just like previous U.S. presidents.

Interview – Nadav Tamir

E-International Relations • Jul 3 2016 • Features

Nadav Tamir discusses his mentor Shimon Peres, his support for the Iran nuclear deal and why a two-state solution between Israel and an independent Palestine is possible.

Interview – Anders Fogh Rasmussen

E-International Relations • May 23 2016 • Features

Anders Fogh Rasmussen elaborates on how we are living in a new Cold War, NATO’s mission in Libya, and discusses Vladimir Putin’s motives in the Middle East.

Russia, Iran and Israel: A Troubled Triangle

Mark N. Katz • May 18 2016 • Articles

Moscow’s efforts to retain good relations with both Israel and Iran will continue to cause each to be wary of becoming too reliant on a Russia that it deems unreliable.

Interview – David Rothkopf

E-International Relations • May 16 2016 • Features

David Rothkopf elaborates on new journalism and discusses how fear has pervaded American politics since 9/11, the Obama Doctrine, and the ascendancy of Donald Trump.

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