
Theocratic Biopolitics: From Political Theology to Affirmative Biopolitics

Vassilios Paipais • Jul 2 2024 • Articles

A theocratic, as opposed to theo-political, life can be found embodied in contemporary forms of everyday resistance to both neoliberal and populist biopolitics.

Review – Disappearances and Police Killings in Contemporary Brazil

Flavia Guerra Cavalcanti • Jun 2 2024 • Features

Sabrina Villenave details the history of policing through colonial mindsets in Brazil, but could do with more philosophical exploration of perceptions of the dead body.

State of Exception? When Theory Meets Its Walls: A Rejoinder

Toni Čerkez and Martin Gramc • Apr 6 2020 • Articles

It seems exaggerated, if not theoretically blind, to claim that emergency measures adopted in the face of the COVID-19 outbreak are ‘irrational and entirely unfounded’.

Opinion – The Limits of Humanist Ethics in the Anthropocene

Jan Pospisil • Mar 24 2020 • Articles

Anthropocene ethics evolve in a contestation between withdrawal and affirmation, and both of these logics develop in antagonisms that they cannot overcome.

Performing the Posthuman: An Essay in Three Acts

Stefanie Fishel • Oct 15 2017 • Articles

If last century was more about freeing the carbon than it was about freeing humanity from its chains, this century could be able to understand our posthuman condition.

Review – Making Things International 1: Circuits and Motion

Daniel Møller Ølgaard • Jan 6 2017 • Features

This book vividly shows how ‘things’ become agents within a New Materialism frame, making it a fine contribution of to the development of International Relations theory.

Understanding Resilience through the Rudiments of Biopolitics

Tudor Vilcan • Jan 12 2015 • Articles

Opposite conceptualizations of resilience as proper to new emerging ontological relations; biopolitics reminds us that resilience is enmeshed with power and control.

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