
Quitaly, Outstria, ‘Eu Revoir’? The Coming Legacy of Brexit

Russell Foster • Dec 1 2016 • Articles

Brexit is merely an early skirmish in the battle for Europe. Further conflicts are coming.

In the Dawn of a New Barbaric Era

Burak Cop • Nov 23 2016 • Articles

People are no longer interested in facts. Post-truth politics is advancing, as seen in Trump’s presidential race in the USA and the Brexit shock.

Discourse, Power, and Subjectivity in Global Politics

Ty Solomon • Nov 18 2016 • Articles

IR often ignores the political forces that shape which discourse prevails. Discourse and emotional investments in “we-ness” shape foreign policy from BREXIT to the GWOT.

‘Brexit’: Word of the Year

Patrick Bijsmans • Nov 16 2016 • Articles

While many Europeans may have been shocked by Donald Trump’s victory, Eurosceptics across Europe seem to perceive it as a boost for their own politics.

Brexit: A European Perspective

Patrick Bijsmans and Russell Foster • Nov 16 2016 • Articles

Brexit has reignited old debates about the European project and poses new challenges for the UK, the EU, and non-EU European nations.

Trump’s ‘Brexit Strategy’

Stephen McGlinchey • Oct 9 2016 • Articles

Trump has defied reality by gauging that enough voters will ignore the tide of critics mobilising against him, even a growing number of senior Republican Party figures.

Brexit Symposium

Brexit is not a time-space exception, but rather a symptom of a systemic failure of democratic governance at the national and EU levels.

Interview – Mark Blyth

E-International Relations • Aug 13 2016 • Features

Mark Blyth discusses the crises of the European Union, the repercussions of Brexit, alternatives to austerity, and his position as a “reluctant Constructivist”.

The Brexit and the Awkward Triangle: Britain, Turkey and the EU

Azriel Bermant and Gallia Lindenstrauss • Jul 8 2016 • Articles

Brexit might enable both Ankara and the EU to find a dignified face-saving solution over negotiations which have made little progress.

A Renewed Anglo-american Alliance? Putin’s Potential ‘Bregret’

Robert A. Saunders • Jul 2 2016 • Articles

Following Brexit, as Britain moves away from Europe (in spirit if not body), it will only become more ensconced in its Anglophone cocoon of geopolitical partners.

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