
In Search of British Exceptionalism Post-Brexit

Srdjan Vucetic • Dec 22 2020 • Articles

The UK’s political leaders are ultimately interested in the idea and practice of global influence. We should expect to see more of this even in the trying months ahead.

Opinion – The UK’s Complicated and Contradictory COVID-19 Moment

Alexander Brotman • Dec 13 2020 • Articles

The economic recovery and global governance framework that emerges from COVID-19 will test Britain’s clout and global outlook beyond Brexit.

Brexit, Hong Kong and the Arab Spring: Voices of the People

Jeffrey Haynes • Oct 31 2020 • Articles

Demands for change, whether on the streets or via the ballot box, underline how people living in both democratic and non-democratic states want more from those in power.

A Recessional Power: How Britain’s Claim to Be a Great Power Has Been Fatally Undercut

Chris Ogden • Oct 12 2020 • Articles

As other countries rise, Britain’s downward trajectory will only deepen and in time will mark a relegation from the ranks of the great powers.

Review – Race and the Undeserving Poor: From Abolition to Brexit

Nivi Manchanda • Jul 31 2020 • Features

Shilliam tells the story of colonial and postcolonial Britain and the book’s power lies in its ability to not only narrate a history but also to portend its future.

Post-Brexit EU Defence Policy: Is Germany Leading towards a European Army?

Alberto Cunha • Jul 5 2020 • Articles

In the wake of Trump’s unilateralism, France and Germany have repeated proposals to create a European army, but different ideas persist about what this would mean.

The British Labour Party after Brexit

Ugur Tekiner • May 31 2020 • Articles

Only time will tell if the Labour party will cope with the post-Brexit challenges or spiral into a downward trend akin to other European centre-left parties.

Grexit and Brexit: Lessons for the European Union

Ino Terzi • May 4 2020 • Articles

The two crises are largely attributable to the inability of the EU to successfully present itself as the solution to the problems of globalisation and its inability to counter critical domestic narratives.

European Parliaments in Times of Coronavirus

Christine Neuhold • Apr 18 2020 • Articles

Governments are calling the shots in this time of emergency. This becomes problematic if there is no clear end to this ‘state of danger’ and when (new) crisis measures are no longer democratically debated.

Opinion – Brexit and Its Many Identities in the UK

Alexander Brotman • Mar 30 2020 • Articles

We must hope the UK fosters a collective sense of civic responsibility while applauding the multitude of unique identities that will undoubtedly determine its course of history.

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