
Interview – Adrian Monck

E-International Relations • Jul 4 2019 • Features

Head of Communications and Media at the World Economic Forum, Adrian Monck, discusses his role, fake news, the media and trust, and he responds to critiques of the forum.

We Unhappy Few: The Conservative Party Leadership Race

Russell Foster • Jun 24 2019 • Articles

Hard Brexit is the likeliest outcome because it is the desire of the Party’s membership. Even if it means the destruction of their party..

Student Feature – Theory in Action: The English School and the EU

Yannis Stivachtis • Jun 22 2019 • Student Features

The English School’s various conceptions of society provide helpful lenses to make sense of the EU.

Interview – Céline Pajon

E-International Relations • Jun 13 2019 • Features

Céline Pajon talks to us about the impact of Abenomics, France-Japan relations, as well as Japan’s increasing assertiveness and France’s role in the Asia-Pacific region.

The Days of May (Again): What Happens to Brexit Now?

Russell Foster • May 27 2019 • Articles

To snuff out Nigel Farage a second time, the Conservatives will almost certainly elect Boris Johnson, and he will push for a No Deal exit.

Interview – Kate Ferguson

E-International Relations • May 8 2019 • Features

Kate Ferguson talks to us about identity-based violence, the rise in mass-atrocities, the effectiveness of R2P, and the relationship between academia and policy-making.

Review – The Left Case Against the EU

Thomas Fazi • May 5 2019 • Features

An important contribution to the left debate over the European Union that mercilessly shatters many of the arguments presented by ‘remain and reform’ advocates.

The Decline of the SDLP and their European Election Brexit Headache

Conor Kelly • Apr 22 2019 • Articles

The unanticipated divisions of Brexit have hastened the SDLP into a situation where their once consistent message on Europe is rupturing.

Brexit Never Rains, But It Pours

Russell Foster • Mar 29 2019 • Articles

After three exhausting and poisonous years of negotiations between the UK and the EU we are not approaching the end – we have barely finished the beginning.

An ‘Expert’ Perspective on Brexit… Means Brexit

Patrick Bijsmans • Mar 20 2019 • Articles

Even in a scenario where the EU and the UK agree to a deal after all, this is only the first step in setting up their future relationship. What will that relationship look like?

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