
Review Feature – The Experts are Dead, Long Live the Experts!

Antonio Calcara • Oct 7 2017 • Features

Two new books, The Ideas Industry and The Death of Expertise, consider the role of experts in the current US political landscape but reach quite different conclusions.

Will Brexit Happen?

Christopher Hill • Sep 18 2017 • Articles

The potential for Brexit is assessed through the premise that only a second referendum can negate the legitimacy of the first.

Hurricane Irma and the UK Overseas Territories

Peter Clegg • Sep 17 2017 • Articles

Despite talk of fundamental changes in the relationship the outcome of Irma could well be slight reform rather than major recalibration.

Implications of Brexit for the European Convention on Human Rights

Steven Greer • Jul 27 2017 • Articles

Brexit has no formal or immediate implications for the UK’s obligations under the ECHR, nevertheless, there may be some subtly negative consequences.

Reassessing the European Convention on Human Rights in the Context of Brexit

Jonathan Cooper • Jul 19 2017 • Articles

The decisions of the ECHR have enhanced Britain’s democratic institutions and improved the quality of everyday life for those within the jurisdiction.

Reassessing the European Convention on Human Rights in the Light of Brexit

Tobias Lock • Jul 10 2017 • Articles

But even if in the eyes of its advocates Brexit goes well, it is only a matter of time until the ECtHR hands down a judgment against the UK that will be controversial.

Brexit and the Future of the European Convention on Human Rights

Mette Eilstrup-Sangiovanni • Jul 5 2017 • Articles

As the Brexit negotiations unfold it is important to keep up pressure on the UK Government to permanently drop the ambition of seeking Britain’s withdrawal from the ECHR.

Brexit: The View from Czechia

Tomáš Weiss • Jun 30 2017 • Articles

Brexit has launched a general debate, which is long overdue, on what the Czech position in the EU and on the EU is and should be.

The #LondonIsOpen Campaign: Desecuritizing Brexit?

Faye Donnelly and Jasmine K. Gani • Jun 21 2017 • Articles

The #LondonIsOpen Campaign shows us that there is not just one viable model of Brexit and that alternative approaches exist and are being forged right now.

Brexit: The View from Australia

Minh Bui • Jun 20 2017 • Articles

Australia’s recent integration with the Asia-Pacific region means that its dependence on the UK for the movement of goods and services is no longer as significant.

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