
Review – Spain

Koldo Casla • May 24 2024 • Features

Michael Reid provides a comprehensive political history of Spain, but the foundations of his critiques of Spain’s multiple separatist movements raises questions.

Interview – Gary Kent

E-International Relations • Sep 12 2018 • Features

Secretary of the all-party parliamentary group on the Kurdistan region, Gary Kent, discusses the group, Iraq and the Kurdish independence referendum and its consequences.

Catalonian Referendum: Democracy, Legality and the EU’s Role

Yanina Welp • Nov 20 2017 • Articles

The Catalan elections are unlikely to resolve the conflict in Spain. But they should open room for dialogue as there is no other option that could restore legitimacy.

The State of Secession in International Politics

Ryan Griffiths • Sep 23 2016 • Articles

The proliferation of sovereign states has been a defining feature of the post World War II era. We are living in an age of secession.

Catalonia: From Secessionism to Secession?

Marc Sanjaume-Calvet • Jan 15 2016 • Articles

Secessionists consider unilateral actions as a possibility, but the costs of a non-negotiated break-up, without a Spanish recognition, would be high in the EU context.

Inching towards Independence? The Game of Cat and Mouse between Catalonia and Spain

Glen Duerr • Dec 6 2015 • Articles

Will Catalonia become an independent state, despite Madrid’s insistence that the territorial integrity of Spain is nonnegotiable?

Europe’s Other Crisis: Secessionism at the Gates

Glen Duerr • Aug 17 2014 • Articles

While it is true that any member state can veto the accession bid of another state, the EU will want to avoid any possible territorial mess within its borders.

Scottish Energy and Catalan Hope

Edgar Illas • Jul 3 2012 • Articles

The necessity to control one’s economic, political and cultural space in the global market seems to indicate that the separatist sentiment among the Scottish and the Catalans will continue to grow.

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