
Contesting American Power: Beijing’s Challenge in South China Sea Disputes

Salvador Santino Fulo Regilme Jr. • Nov 7 2018 • Articles

Chinese militarization of the South China Sea region reflects Beijing’s new found resolve and confidence in undermining American power.

China’s Policy Paper on Latin America and the Caribbean: Ten Years After

Despite the geographical distance among China, Taiwan and Latin American countries, the Cross-Strait dispute could have deep implications in the geopolitical arena.

Interview – Tamás Peragovics

E-International Relations • Oct 18 2018 • Features

Tamás Peragovics discusses his PhD research on the normalization process between the US and China, Chinese foreign policy and the Western-centrism of IR.

With Great Power Comes Great Climate Responsibility

Sanna Kopra • Oct 12 2018 • Articles

Great powers are assessed with regard to their response and responsibility to limit the negative impact of climate change.

The Future of Popular Geopolitics: Mega-Shark Cinematic Diplomacy

Chris Homewood • Sep 21 2018 • Articles

Amidst rising tensions, Hollywood films such as The Meg present an idealized image of harmony between the U.S. and China.

Taiwan’s Democratisation and China’s Quest for Cross-Strait Reunification

Tommy Sheng Hao Chai • Sep 5 2018 • Essays

Taiwan’s democratic consolidation has fundamentally altered cross-strait politics and has reshaped the debate along the lines of national identity.

China’s Protracted Securitization of Xinjiang: Origins of a Surveillance State

Pablo Rodríguez-Merino • Aug 15 2018 • Articles

China’s leadership stepped up repression in Xinjiang by securitzing the Uyghur minority’s religion in a post-9/11 security climate dominated by the war against terror.

Trump’s Foreign Policy Mantra: ‘Whoever Pays For It!’

Mohsen Solhdoost • Jul 24 2018 • Articles

Key strands of Trump’s specific vision to make foreign policy have been fundamentally undermining the American-led liberal world order.

Pushing the Boundaries of Soft Power: The Controversial Chinese Case

Daniele Carminati • Jul 11 2018 • Articles

When dealing with such a prominent and complex power as China, discussing and generalizing about its conduct may raise more questions than it answers.

The Survival of the US–Japan, US–ROK Alliance under a Potential Peace Treaty

Kentaro Sakamoto and Yaechan Lee • Jun 16 2018 • Articles

With potential talks of a peace treaty going on among the US, South Korea, North Korea and China, the future of the US–Japan, US–ROK alliance seems to be at stake.

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