
Fighting Poverty Through Targeted Measures

Terence Chong and Cong Qin • May 23 2017 • Articles

To achieve its goal of poverty alleviation, China’s government should first ensure that individual poverty alleviation programs are not captured by elites.

Hong Kong’s Chief Executive Election and Political Future

Mathew Wong • May 16 2017 • Articles

With the lack of a truly democratic government, a leader sympathising with the people and representing their interest might be the best Hong Kong can currently hope for.

Railing Relations from the UK to China

Kerry Brown • May 13 2017 • Articles

In perspective, a train carrying freight from the UK to the eastern side of China shows that such a link is possible, but whether it can be sustainable is another matter.

Xi and the North Korea Challenge in the Trump Era

Zhiqun Zhu • Mar 26 2017 • Articles

The United States and China must jointly address the North Korea challenge, based on the consensus that North Korea is a common security threat and peace is possible.

Sino-UK Relations and the Impact of Trump

Kerry Brown • Mar 6 2017 • Articles

There are going to be some rocky moments between the US-UK and UK-China equations. The UK’s attempts to lie between the US and China may prove the wisdom of the adage.

Pakistan and the Nuclear Suppliers Group

Rizwana Abbasi • Jan 11 2017 • Articles

International arrangements promoting and facilitating the peaceful uses of nuclear technology demand revision in light of increased demand for nuclear energy security.

Trump, China, and the History of Hawkish Republican Campaign Rhetoric

Jack Thompson • Dec 21 2016 • Articles

Trump may ‘normalise’ his attitude to China after inauguration. If he does not, the consequences of such a strategy of provocation are potentially catastrophic.

War with China: Ascending Powers, Expansionism and the Use-of-Force

Strobe Driver • Nov 22 2016 • Articles

The current state-of-affairs suggests that as China is exhibiting a pre-WWI German paradigm a war will happen as it exponentially increases its expansionism.

Deliberation and Strategic Action: How they Mutually Enhance Norm Diffusion

George Vasilev • Nov 21 2016 • Articles

Norm diffusion involves the cost–benefit calculations of strategic behaviour enhancing the communicative reasoning of deliberative behaviour, and vice versa.

China: New Steps Forward in Africa

Kerry Brown and Shan Huang • Nov 15 2016 • Articles

By understanding China’s approach as pragmatic, not altruistic, those working with China can come out with economic gains.

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