
Review – Popular Protest in China

Kendrick Kuo • Nov 11 2013 • Features

Those who make the arduous trek through this at times dense book will be well-rewarded with a perspective that is careful not to paint with broad brushstrokes when discussing protests in China.

Unpacking Chinese Identity, the View From Tiananmen

Robert Potter • Oct 28 2013 • Articles

Looking to Tiananmen Square, one can see a menagerie of ideas competing for the soul of China. Each of these ideas finds a constituency within the ruling Communist Party and many are ideologically irreconcilable with the other.

Review – China’s Search for Security

Kendrick Kuo • Oct 10 2013 • Features

Comprehensive, persuasive, and empathetic, Nathan and Scobell offer a fresh look at what could easily be a stale litany of threats to China’s rise and a thorough treatment of China’s security policies.

Iran, the SCO and Major Geo-strategic Shifts in a Post-Ahmadinejad Era

Hossein Aghaie Joobani • Sep 24 2013 • Articles

The prospects for Iranian membership of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization are likely to improve following the Iranian election. But, the move might be costly for Iran.

Chinese Grand Strategy and the Exacerbation of the Sino-Indian Territorial Dispute

Srini Sitaraman • Aug 21 2013 • Articles

Examining China’s strategic objectives allows analysts to better understand Sino-Indian relations in light of recent tensions along the contentious Indo-Tibet border.

Why We Shouldn’t Be Surprised by China’s Aggressiveness

William Wagstaff • Aug 12 2013 • Articles

China’s tactics are the normal behavior of a maturing power rather than the belligerence of a deviant state. China is only following the developmental path of the states before it.

Global Corruption, Global Protests: The Odds of Success Against the System

Laurence Cockcroft • Jul 22 2013 • Articles

Global mass public protests are a milestone in the ‘war on corruption’. However, they face entrenched networks of interests, which need to recognise that reform is key to their personal survival.

24 Years, 10 Days

Dylan Kissane • Jun 14 2013 • Articles

It’s 24 years and 10 days since Chinese soldiers executed citizens for daring to demand the right to a say in their own future. Since then, China has changed in many ways, but much has sadly stayed the same.

Review – China’s Development: Capitalism and Empire

Gordon Redding • Jun 6 2013 • Features

This multidisciplinary study of China’s economic reform asserts that a unique mode of capitalism will likely emerge within the state as it gradually works to overcome the strictures of communism.

The EU-China Strategic Partnership: Counter-Piracy Cooperation Game-Changer?

Benjamin Barton • Jun 3 2013 • Articles

EU-China decision makers need to encourage further practical initiatives coming from below in order to improve the way their Strategic Partnership game is played.

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