
China and Russia: Common Themes in Counter-Terrorism

Robert Potter • May 30 2013 • Articles

Xinjiang’s place within the global war on terrorism is interesting. China’s narrative on the issue has fascinating similarities with the Russian narrative on the conflict in Chechnya.


Dylan Kissane • May 22 2013 • Articles

Teaching politics in China is going to be a different experience. The prospect makes one pause and recall the sorts of freedoms we enjoy in the West and the way professors do sometimes take them for granted.

Review – Never Forget National Humiliation

Robert Weatherley • May 8 2013 • Features

The over-arching quest for nationalist legitimacy by the CCP is at the very heart of Zheng Wang’s must-read for anyone interested in post-Tiananmen Chinese nationalism.

Translation and Interpretation: The English School and IR Theory in China

Roger Epp • May 5 2013 • Articles

It would be disingenuous to prescribe an IR theory with Chinese characteristics. At most, it is possible to say what a cross-cultural theoretical encounter might require.

China Bandwagons with North Korea

Andrew Scobell • May 2 2013 • Articles

To bolster the North Korean buffer China seems prepared to use all of the instruments at its disposal. These include economic, political, diplomatic, and potentially military means, to prop up the regime.

China, India and the New Class

Dylan Kissane • May 2 2013 • Articles

POL 210 has a new class. In order to spark early discussion with students, a report was used which described how Chinese soldiers inside Indian territory had proclaimed the area to be Chinese land.

John Kerry’s Pacific Dream

Zachary Keck • Apr 25 2013 • Articles

The Pacific Dream concept sought to advance two central U.S. foreign policy goals in the Asia-Pacific: expanding the scope of the U.S. pivot beyond defense, and isolating China without singling it out.

Towards a More Crowded Heavens?

Taylor Marvin • Apr 11 2013 • Articles

National space programs are tools states leverage for a variety of purposes, not expressions of an apolitical human urge to explore. Like nuclear weapons, crewed spaceflight programs remain widely perceived as a signifier of great power status.

Chinese Soft Power 2.0: The Politics of Fashion

Michael Barr • Apr 10 2013 • Articles

Chinese soft power must be understood in light of China’s domestic politics as much as its international standing. The case of Peng Liuyan – better known as China’s First Lady – shows that this remains as true as ever.

Opportunity and Peril in the North Korean Standoff

Dan G. Cox • Apr 9 2013 • Articles

Most pundits have determined that Kim Jong Un has consolidated power and is now about to, irrationally, strike out against South Korea and her allies. But, what if this assumption is an error?

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