
The Causes of the New Space Race

Daryl Morini • Sep 17 2012 • Articles

The first space race was the start of a new era in human history, not its apogee. There is no guarantee that we will not repeat it. But if money is the sinews of war, this space race will be more formidable than the last.

The Meaning of Mars

Joanne Irene Gabrynowicz • Sep 15 2012 • Articles

The idea of a new space race is unlikely to become a reality. Why in the globalization era should nations cooperate to get to Mars? Perhaps the most pragmatic reason is because none of them will be able to afford it alone.

The Importance of the Straits of Malacca

Robert Potter • Sep 7 2012 • Articles

The vast majority of China’s oil imports pass through the Straits of Malacca. This creates a security issue for China as the Straits function as a strategic chokepoint through which their energy supply must pass.

Nuclear Disaster in Taiwan: An Ignored Factor in the US-China Relationship

Shang-su Wu • Sep 4 2012 • Articles

A major incident at any nuclear power plant in Taiwan could quite possibly lead, in a worst-case scenario, to a failed state. This could open up space for China and the US to compete in the ensuing political vacuum.

Will the U.S. be Overtaken by China In Space?

Bertrand de Montluc • Aug 30 2012 • Articles

Will Chinese taikonauts land on the moon in 2020? Given such broad Chinese efforts in developing space technology, China could surpass the US in the coming decade.

The Unasur-Mercosur Project, the European Crisis, and the Pacific Consensus

Javier Vadell • Aug 25 2012 • Articles

The South American integration processes, Unasur and Mercosur, are most directly affected by the geopolitical and geoeconomic transformations involving China’s rise, with a crucial role for Brazil as a new emerging country in this complex scenario.

Prestige and Naval Power: A Look at India and China

Robert Potter • Aug 21 2012 • Articles

In modern times the transforming of a country into a great power has traditionally coincided with the development of a powerful navy. Both India and China are progressing towards this end.

How the Chinese Economy Works (For Now)

Andrew J. Gawthorpe • Aug 11 2012 • Articles

The key to China’s future is a more balanced approach to growth, and a greater role for consumers in the economy. China can only go so far as a producer of low-end manufactured products for foreign markets.

How Far is China from the European Code of Conduct for Outer Space Activities?

Jinyuan Su • Jul 30 2012 • Articles

The primary hurdle for China to subscribe to the European Code of Conduct for Space Activities is the biased substantive obligations and finding the most appropriate forum to negotiate.

Casting Long Strategic Shadows

Dan G. Cox • Jul 30 2012 • Articles

As American foreign policy begins to represent a crusade, surely it is time to reconsider the strategic shadows that the post-Cold War foreign policy initiatives have cast.

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