Cold War

Globalizing Walls

Francis A. Beer and G. Robert Boynton • Apr 3 2013 • Articles

The walls in news stories are metaphors of community and division. They mix geography and history. They carry material and mythical meanings for the societies on either side, and for emerging global culture.

Academic Territory and the Limits of IR

Robert W. Murray • Feb 2 2013 • Articles

It is often said that IR has become a complex and diverse field of study. With this expansion has come unclear limits as to what does, or does not, fall within the parameters of the field.

Nuclear Ambitions in Asia: The Paper Tiger Revisited

Christopher Whyte • May 28 2011 • Articles

The final result of the growth of the PRC’s military capacity is, perhaps, that China’s nuclear perspective will be exported abroad. Countries in the region that are concerned for their security should realize this truth and take steps to avoid a nuclear escalation that would do little to deter the doctrinally-different military culture of the People’s Republic of China.

Is Ideological Competition in Europe Necessary?

Nicolai N. Petro • Jan 28 2011 • Articles

Western Europe’s alienation from its own Byzantine roots has done much to perpetuate Cold War divisions in people’s minds, long after they have disappeared from the political map. Ideological competition is not only unnecessary, it is a dead end. Envisioning an integral Europe that includes Russia has proved to be no easy task. It can be made somewhat easier, however, by regarding it as process of mutual rediscovery

Tick tock: It is 6 minutes to midnight.

Angeliki Mitropoulou • Jan 28 2011 • Articles

On 14 January 2010, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists adjusted the Doomsday Clock from 5 to 6 minutes from midnight in order to encourage progress seen around the globe in two key areas: nuclear weapons and climate change. Their decision was based on the perceived existence of a more hopeful state of world affairs. The clock had been adjusted 18 times since its initial start at seven minutes to midnight

Review: Henry Kissinger and the Shaping of American Foreign Policy

Stephen McGlinchey • Oct 13 2010 • Features

Mario Del Pero’s chief task in his recent monograph is to break up the traditional image of Kissinger to paint a more nuanced picture of his politics and scholarship.

Anniversary of Eastern Europe’s bloodiest Revolution reminds of the duty to unearth secrets of the past

Aura Sabadus • Dec 20 2009 • Articles

Twenty years ago this week the Romanian revolution was making international headlines. Yet those who tortured, killed and humiliated continue to hold the power, abuse the law, and live opulent lives, without showing the slightest trace of guilt.

The Marshall Plan, the Truman Doctrine, and the Division of Europe

Stephen McGlinchey • Oct 13 2009 • Articles

The Truman doctrine was a manifestation of foreign policy resulting from the insecurities and fears of Soviet power filling the vacuum in Europe. Together with the Marshall Plan it solidified the reality of a divided Europe and a divided world.

The US Election and the New Security Challenges

Roland Dannreuther • Aug 1 2008 • Articles

The United States, as the most powerful state in the international system, has adopted two radically differing approaches in answer the post-Cold War security dilemma. It is a choice between these alternative approaches that the presidential candidates, John McCain and Barack Obama, now pose in quite stark form.

The Cold War and Chinese Foreign Policy

Yafeng Xia • Jul 16 2008 • Articles

In October 1949, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) replaced the Republic of China (ROC) after the Chinese Communists won a nationwide victory in the civil war and drove the Nationalist government to Taiwan. A Communist China, comprising a quarter of the world’s population, had inevitably extended the Cold War to East Asia. The PRC’s foreign policy during the Cold War went through several distinctive stages.

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