

Srdjan Vucetic • Jun 22 2012 • Articles

The proliferation of IR works dealing with identity has led some to charge that the concept has become devoid of analytical meaning. This view is mistaken. Concepts needn’t be overly coordinated in order to be useful.

Norms, Epistemic Communities and the Global Cyber Security Assemblage

Tim Stevens • Mar 27 2012 • Articles

As norms begin to develop in the cybersecurity field, a multitude of actors are competing to shape them according to their own interests and values. How this power struggle plays out is of great importance to the future of global cyberspace.

The Relevance of Constructivism to Foreign Policy Analysis

Maysam Behravesh • Jul 17 2011 • Articles

For a long while, no logical connection was developed between the major IR theories and the study of FPA.The relationship can be investigated in three ways: through the role actors and bureaucracies play in shaping foreign policy, the process of decision-making, and the effect of international system on the conduct of foreign policy.

The Thrust of Wendtian Constructivism

Maysam Behravesh • Mar 9 2011 • Essays

Despite being a state-centrist scholar of international politics, Wendt criticizes neorealists and neoliberals for reifying the structure of states system and taking for granted its ontological and ideational properties, which precludes us from considering and assessing the potentials for structural and institutional change.

Constructivism: An Introduction

Maysam Behravesh • Feb 3 2011 • Articles

As a form of reflectivist critique of the scientific approach to the study of social sciences, constructivism was initially developed as a mostly interpretive metatheory. Its substantial and wide-ranging influence perhaps derives from the fact that what is says seems to be just common sense. Its insights apply to our individual experiences in life; as individuals our identities change over time and so do our interests.

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