
On the Democratic and Demographic Transitions

Tim Dyson • Mar 22 2013 • Articles

Research on the determinants of democracy has overlooked the role of demographic factors. Yet, no other variable is more closely related to a country’s democratic status than its median age.

Radical Democracy in Contemporary Times

Lincoln Dahlberg • Feb 26 2013 • Articles

The institutionalization of radical democracy, needs a hegemonic political formation committed to liberty and equality and the extension of political contestation into all spheres of society.

Twenty Years after Huntington’s ‘Clash of Civilisations’

Jeffrey Haynes • Feb 10 2013 • Articles

Huntington’s work, although flawed in various respects, perfectly captured the zeitgeist at the end of the Cold War and encapsulated the hopes and fears of globalisation.

Tunisian Democratization: Between Challenges and Opportunities

Francesco Cavatorta • Feb 7 2013 • Articles

The future state of Tunisian politics is difficult to predict, but it is clear that addressing pressing socio-economic problems is vital for the success of the transition and for the reconciliation of society.

Review – American Democracy Promotion in the Changing Middle East

Anthony Billingsley • Feb 6 2013 • Features

This important book examines whether US democracy promotion has been sincere, or whether it was simply one of a range of policy options for promoting US material and strategic interests.

Bhutan: Elections 2013

Medha Bisht • Jan 2 2013 • Articles

While Bhutan has a way to go in its democratization process, as certain social and economic issues need to be tackled, there are also foreign policy challenges which will have to be addressed in 2013 and beyond.

Review – Democracy, Islam, And Secularism in Turkey

J. Paul Barker • Nov 14 2012 • Features

Democracy, Islam, and Secularism in Turkey illuminates some of the most compelling and significant questions driving the central debates in contemporary Turkey.

Nationalism, the Parti Quebecois, and the 2012 Quebec General Election

Glen Duerr • Sep 10 2012 • Articles

The election of Pauline Marois should be seen as another nationalist challenge to Canada’s national unity. Yet, with only 32 percent of the popular vote, her powers to hold a referendum are constrained.

Twin Gods, Twin Fears: Religion and Politics

Mark Cladis • Aug 24 2012 • Articles

Modern democracies have many lessons to learn from history about how religion can be treacherous. But the temptation to ban traditional religion from democratic politics will not ultimately serve democratic purposes.

The Lightning Impeachment of Paraguay’s President Lugo

Peter Lambert • Aug 9 2012 • Articles

The decision by the Paraguayan Chamber of Deputies to impeach President Fernando Lugo revealed the major fault lines of Paraguay’s transition to democracy. It was a political crisis waiting to happen.

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