
The Moral Molecule and International Relations

Paul J. Zak • Jul 3 2012 • Articles

Every representative political system depends on trust. The same is true for relations between polities. Yet, very little research has been done to understand why it is that we trust others and what those findings could mean for International Relations.

Geopolitical Challenges to Implementing the Code of Conduct for Outer Space Activities

Michael J. Listner • Jun 26 2012 • Articles

After a failed effort by the EU in 2011, the international community will once again take up the issue of a Code of Conduct for Outer Space Activities at the UN in October. Diverging national interests threaten to derail the talks.

Review – The Wars of Afghanistan

Martin J. Bayly • May 28 2012 • Features

Peter Tomsen has provided a comprehensive account of Afghanistan’s recent conflicts and illuminates aspects of this history in ways that only he could really achieve.

Making Sausage

Rodger A Payne • May 23 2012 • Articles

IR scholars rarely have access to real-time “insider” data on climate summits, though it is telling that virtually all of the world leaders make claims that we would have expected.

Regional Responses to the DPRK’s Satellite Launch

Benjamin Habib • Apr 7 2012 • Articles

The international community approaches North Korea with a poor tasting carrot and a broken stick. This gives Pyongyang a great deal of leverage in regional diplomacy.

India’s Iran-Israel Balancing Act

Sujata Ashwarya Cheema • Mar 7 2012 • Articles

Amidst growing Israeli-Iranian animosity, India’s traditional policy of compartmentalizing relations with each nation is becoming untenable.

Why Australia Fears China’s Rise: The Growing War Consensus

Daryl Morini • Feb 8 2012 • Articles

Inter-state war is threatening to make a dangerous come-back. But the good news is that great power war can be prevented.

India’s Time to Think Strategically: Is domestic politics holding India back?

Manjeet Singh Pardesi • Feb 7 2012 • Articles

Domestic political developments – which have important implications for the type of state and society that India wishes to create for itself – have led to a neglect of any major debate on foreign policy at a time when India is in the process of emerging as a major Asian power.

Chinese Soft Power Starts at Home

Michael Barr • Feb 1 2012 • Articles

Many Western analysts miss the fact that Chinese soft power is not merely a tool for building international relations. Just as important, its deployment is critical at home within the country as well as abroad. These differences are significant in practice, because they reflect the underlying differences in motivation and in stages of development.

Libya: The Coming Peace

Daryl Morini • Jun 6 2011 • Articles

No peace is perfect. But a flawed peace is probably better than no peace at all. Contingency peace plans are not guarantees of success in such war-torn countries as Libya, but neither are they idle dreams. The international community needs such a unified plan to secure a better peace in Libya. If they fail to plan a post-war peace in Libya, the intervening powers are planning to fail.

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