
Sanctioning the DPRK? This Time It’s All about Implementation Not Design

Catherine Jones • Mar 14 2016 • Articles

There are reasons to doubt whether extended sanctions against North Korea will produce the outcomes that key players want to achieve

Interpreting Diplomacy: The Approach of the Early English School

Ian Hall • Feb 14 2016 • Articles

Abandoning interpretivism has paid dividends for the English School. Yet, it continues to be dogged by criticism that it is complacent when it comes to matters of method.

UK-China Relations: A New Model of Influence?

Kerry Brown • Feb 1 2016 • Articles

It will be some time before the effects of the UK’s recent investment engagement strategy towards China become clear; if it pays off it may be a new template of influence

Iran Is Part of the Problem, Part of the Solution

P.R. Kumaraswamy • Dec 10 2015 • Articles

Geostrategic reality, shrewd political moves and the short-sighted policies of its adversaries have enhanced the role of Iran in any future dispensation in Syria.

Interview – Nori Katagiri

E-International Relations • Dec 5 2015 • Features

Dr. Katagiri discusses his latest book on insurgencies, military strategies and cooperation and Japanese-American perceptions on security, politics and the world.

Testing the Waters in the South China Sea

Zhiqun Zhu • Nov 26 2015 • Articles

Reactions to US operations in the South China Sea demonstrate that China and the United States seem to have established a working protocol for issues they disagree on

Review – Maritime Diplomacy in the 21st Century

James Manicom • Oct 12 2014 • Features

Le Mière sheds light on an area of diplomacy that has largely been overlooked despite its growing importance in the maritime century.

Secret Diplomacy and the “Dirty Hand” Problem

Corneliu Bjola • May 2 2014 • Articles

The classical “dirty hand” problem cannot be completely solved, but it can be reasonably mitigated if the context of the case is being carefully taken into account.

Statebuilding Failure in South Sudan

Roberto Belloni • Apr 17 2014 • Articles

When South Sudan gained independence, it was easy to predict that the path towards the construction of a new state would have been full of obstacles.

Review – EU Foreign Policy and Crisis Management Operations

Neil Winn • Apr 14 2014 • Features

Pohl’s exceptional analysis of the EU’s CSDP disputes traditional realist arguments that it exists to counter-balance the US.

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